♥ attrapemoisitum'aimes. |
![]() Justine 15/04/89 KPO district 10 cuscaden naive two fat men the burger restaurant norwegian wood the vow the lovely bones everything's illuminated extremely loud and incredibly close we bought a zoo american pie: the reunion beetlejuice an education the great gatsby TAKEitALLout!!
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003 05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 02/01/2008 - 03/01/2008 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 05/01/2009 - 06/01/2009 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 08/01/2009 - 09/01/2009 09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009 12/01/2009 - 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010 05/01/2010 - 06/01/2010 06/01/2010 - 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 - 08/01/2010 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010 09/01/2010 - 10/01/2010 10/01/2010 - 11/01/2010 11/01/2010 - 12/01/2010 12/01/2010 - 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 - 02/01/2011 02/01/2011 - 03/01/2011 03/01/2011 - 04/01/2011 04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 - 06/01/2011 06/01/2011 - 07/01/2011 08/01/2011 - 09/01/2011 10/01/2011 - 11/01/2011 11/01/2011 - 12/01/2011 03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012 04/01/2012 - 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 - 06/01/2012 08/01/2012 - 09/01/2012 10/01/2012 - 11/01/2012 04/01/2013 - 05/01/2013 05/01/2013 - 06/01/2013 10/01/2014 - 11/01/2014 12/01/2014 - 01/01/2015 04/01/2016 - 05/01/2016 Designer: Corissa Basecodes: xavqior and Stac'ey |
Tuesday, July 29, 2003, hAiz sIaN..sO sIAn..yESt dIn cum onLinE..too tIrEd..yeAp..yEst hAd LeSsOnS aS usuAL..sO a lIL sIan..eSpEcIaLLy thE tAn wAh cHwEe LEsSon..i rILlI rILLi RIlLi rILLi rILLi rILLi cAnt sTaNd hEr..sHE LiKe aLwaEs aimiN aT mE LiKE tht..oK..dUn toK abT hEr LiaOz..sIAn cRaPPin aBT hEr LiaOz..yeAp..aFtEr tht wEnT LuNcH aT KFc wIf NitA jEnnY aNd jIA jIa..acTuaLLi sUppOsE to gO wIf Yi mIN wEe sEr HUa AnD sI wEI..bUT thEy dIScuSs heRE aND tHErE..bY thE tYm hAVe to gO feN zu LiaOz..sO i wENt wIf nITa thEy aLL iNsTeAd..yeaPz..wE haD LuNch aT kFc sAw thIs BuNch Of ccHS pPL..thEn aFtEr tht ruSh baCk fEr fEn zU..thEn they tOLd Me sOmE sTuff..i rILLi wAna nOe bUt thEy dUn wAna tELL Me..iT may tuRn Out to bE soMe sAddEnIn neWs..bUt sTILL haVe to AccEPt IT..wAdSmorE..noEiN It gIvEs mE oNE mORe ReASoN tO gIvE uP..hAiZ..wE wEren't LATe..pHEw..havE fEn Zu..wE gOT thE hE zOU sCORe..stEfANiE fErZ dAe bEiN zu zHAng..hAHaz..sO cUTe..sHE LiKE dUno wAd tO dO lIkE tht..sPAs Lah>_<..aFtEr fEN zU hAd to wAID fEr nItA..tHEn sTuPiD sI wEi sMs mE aBt thE pRe OrDerIn oF JAy..fEr NutHiN LoR!!....tINK she nuTIn bEtA tO dO..sO cALL hEr eNd Up tOkIn cRaP to hEr-_-""..tHeN aFtEr tht dReNcHEd tAnx to sOmE [WUNDERFUL] pPL..oR sHuLd i jUz sAe tHE sPrInKLer wEnt Off?!?!..wAid dHS No sPRInKLEr..LoL..LaMe..yeAp..nItA vEry PRo..hELP mE..jUz tht..LeG sTiLL pAiN..cAnT rUn MUch=(..oR eLsE..hAIz..dUn wANa tok aBt It LiAoz..bUt tht PERsoN bEtA wAtCh ouT..nEed nITa To rEmInd Me..LoL..yeAp..sO wEnT hOmE[mISSEd 6OCLOCK!!..sO Long NevEr sEe HiM LiaOZ..anD He wAs On thE bUs i diD tAkE cUz i DEcIDEd tO wOk HoME..=(] mAnagEd To wAtcH a LiL oF cArtOoN..tHEn wENT to sTuRdI chInEsE..aNd i fInIshEd arnd 8 LiKe tht!!thEn goT nUthIn tO dO..sO sHUanG..oK tOdAE..i rILLi LiKE tO cOncLudE..tUEsdAeZ ISn't My dAe..i sLePt thrOUGh tHE chIneSe tEsT!!sO i LiKe LeFt qNs blANk..aDdIn uP to LiKe 10 maRx??yEAp..pLuz i gOT anotHer wRoNg..sO add Up..12 maRx..wUndErfUL..aRgHh..i dIn fEeL gd fEr tHE rEz OF thE dAe..sOmemOrE..i hAd to keEP oN MoaNiN wHen I sTAnd uP and sIt dOWn..cuZ OF mY stupiD wOUnD..aNd cHew ASkEd mE to run tWicE dUrIn bAsEbALL..pUrPosELy oNe I tiNk..cuZ aFtEr thE fErZ time i wAs sIttiN UndEr thE tRee sLAcKin aWay..tHEn LeFt tIMe fEr ONe LasT PeRsOn..sIncE aLL oF us WeNt LiAoz..otHers wAna PLay agAin..sHE go Ask me to pLAy..sO i hAd to StAnd uP..SO pAiN..thEn HAd to Run..aRgHhhh..haIz..i sTiLL vErY sAd aBt thE fLoPPin oF thE chIneSe tEsT..tInK i aM fLoPPiN eVeryThing..my eNgLisH essAY LiKe SO LoW..i aM dEpRoVInG!!mUz jIA yOu LiaOz..eVErItym wAna jIa YoU eNd UP sLAcKiN aWAy..wAd aM i dUiN..jUz dun hAvE thE dEtErMiNATiOn..aLWaEs sLeeP sLEeP sLeeP sLeEp..sLEeP uNtiL my chInEsE tEsT LiKe Tht..dIE Lah..i hAtE sLPiN..tInk i riLLi nEed sOmeoNe tO puSh Me..cAnT Ask My [bUdz] cUz thEy sLAcK MorE tHAn Me-_-""..rILlI nEed sOmeone..aNiOnE??bLEAH..sAe untIL LiKe Very dEsPo LiKE tht-_-""..hMmZz..aFtEr sKoOL haD LUNch wiF sI wEi anD wee iN sKoOL..thEn heArd sOme rILLi sUrpRisIn stUff=)..hAd KoU yU BiaO dA aFtEr tht..sI wEI tRanfEr tO oUr cLAss ALso..thEn wE haD to sPLiT iNtO gRps..oUr gRp wAs thE NOizIeSt..sI wEI maDe A coMPLetE fOoL of hErsELF aS usuAL..sO daRn sPAs..thEn wE haD to prEsENT..so wEIRd lOr..mY cHiNESE goT thE engLisH aCcEnt..sOuNd sO wEIrd..aFteR thE LEssOn aRnd 4 30 LikE tht LiaOz..sO rAb eUN si Wei anD Me staYeD bAcK tO fInISh up some HW..yeAp..i fiNiShEd sOmE Lah..got thE sEnsE OF sAtisfacTiOn..fELt bEtA aFtEr tht....bUDdEn OnLi wHEn goIn hOmE thT tYm tHen i rMbreD i fORgOT to gO fEtCh My Bro hoMe..so mUddLehEadEd..haIz..aNiwAe hE gOT hOme..fREn fEtCh..noW sLAcKiN aWAy..tinK latEr sTuRdI a LiL..stinK Now..gO wASh uP Le..nItEZ.. ♥ 8:39 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2003, hMmMmzz anOtHer gReEn eNtRy..kZ..i 4 dAeZ nEveR bLoG LiaOZ..LEts stArt wIf wEd..wEd iS sIAn sIAn dAe..cUz aLL tHE dOUBLE sIAnsIan pEriOdS aLL piLed uP bEcUm vEry SIan..LoL..thEn gOT sY..not BAd..quIte fUn..thEn tHuRs..sLAckY dAe..aLl thE sLaCk sLAcK pEriOdS aLL pIlEd uP bEcum sLAcKY dAe..soMeMore wE gOT rEleAsE eArlIeR..sO sLaCk LoR..bUt goT tuIitIOn aFteR tht..sO sIAn..fRi..oK Lah..dOUbLe chI n dOUBLE enG..S-I-A-N..tWo sTuPid sUbjEcTs..eSpEciaLLy cHInEsE..i PRaTicALLy rEtuRNed aLl thE cHInEsE to thE tEacHer..dUn LiKe HEr Lah..mAke mE duN LiKE chIneSe..thEn aFter sKoOL..pLayEd cBaLL..tHEn IT dRizzlEd a LiL..thEn wE sTiLL pLay..chuaN LuI aND kELvIn dAmn gAy..cAnt sTaND IT..pLayIn iN thE [rAin] iS dAmn sHuaNG..then saT dOwn anD toK toK wIf THe gaLz..dEn pLay bBaLL[dAMn LAn]dEn baCk To cBaLL aGain..thEn i bE gUAi Kia..LEfT aT 530 wENT hOme to wAtcH sPoNgEbObsQuaRepaNTs..hEhezz..sTuPiD show..i aLWaEs wATch iT tHEn fALL aSleEP ONE..dUno y..aNiwAe..dIn cum oNLinE yEst..sLEpT fRm 7 to 7..sO kEwl rITe??..i NOe..LoL..dEcIDEd nOt to CuM oNLiNe oN fRi's..gona sLEep sLeeP sLeeP sLeep..tiRed Mah..pLay so LoNg baLL thEn someMOre hAd Not ENuf sLp thRouGhoUt thE wEek..sO tiRed..so sLeeP LoR..saMe thInG happEnEd LasT wEeK..kZ..tOdAe..eRmm hAD cO..mIssEd The cHAncE tO gO oUT wIF a Long Long tiMe nEveR sEe FRen..sOmeMorE tHe LAsT tYm hE aSK mE to go oUT i dIn PicK uP thE pHoNe..pLayIn bALL iN skooL..thEN thIs tiMe gOT cO..sO cANOrT gO oUT agAIn..aCtuALLi cAn PoN oNe..bUt sIncE LasT tIme wIF sEc 4z liaOz..fEeL vEry baD to POn..i gOt cOnsCiEncE oNe kz..yeAp..sO hAd cO..thE jIan tao HuI iN tHE mOrNiN wAs B-O-R-I-N-G!!i aLmOz fELL aSlEEp..thEn wE wEnT tO eAt tHEn wEnt LiNLi's HoUsE to mAkE thE fOod..wElL..obViOuSly i dIN dO anIthIn..oR thE whOLE hOusE wuLd TuRn INtO aShes..cAnT hELP IT..i aM Juz nOw A hOusEwIfE mateRiaL YET!!hehez..sO szeLaNg aND ME sPeNT thE tYm tEaChIn thE dog to dAncE thE cHa cHA..so sTuPid..fEr awhILe oNLi..tHEn wEnt sLAcKin aRnd..aFtEr tht hAd to Go baCk To sKoOL to mOvE thE tABLEs anD cHAiRs..thE LowEr sEc Lah..yeAp..dEn cUz MoLLie wAsn'T heRe yEt..sO we PlaYed cBaLL..fEr LiKe 15 MIN cuZ thEy toOk sOOoOO lOng to sPlIt iNtO gRps..sO we PLayed gY Vs nOn gY..gY wOn Lah..LoL..yeAp..tHen mOLLie cum LiaOz..sO wE haD to sTaRt wORk..move The TabLes aND cHAIRs..anD wE[chUidA] fIniShEd OuR JoB thE fAsTEsT..YEAH!!....LoL..tHen wE sAt aT tHE rOw oF tAbLes And cHAiRs LamIn aRnd aS uSuaL LaH..sO sIaN..LifE BoreS mE OuT..aFtEr Tht wE wENt tO Lt tO [xUan Bu xInG zhI wEi] pAssIn OVa iN OThEr wOrdS..sOme sEnIoRs cRIeD Lah..thEn i wAs sIttIn aT thE cORnEr wIf bEnICe anD pEI wEn tRyIn to prEdIcT Hu gOnA gEt Wad poSt Lah..tHen i sIt UntiL my Leg nuMb..cANORt MovE=(..sTuPid..sTePhaNIe wAs Our nEw gyzZ..hOpE We Get NeWS fAsTeR tHis Tym;)..thEn aFtEr tht eAtin tImE..YEaH..fInaLLy gOT pPL tAkIn fOod aFTer Us lIAoz..sO haPPi..wELL..as usUaL thE sEnIorS aND tCHRs hAd to tAkE fOoD fErz..sO bY thE tym It WAs OUr tuRn..nOt MucH wAs LEfT..jUz sCRAPS of dunO wAd fOOd Lah..so wE sEc 2z toOk iT Lah..then thE sEc 1z dunO LEfT wIf wAd Lah..pOoR sEc 1z..bUt ITS TRADITION!!..hahaz..wAID TILL thE 30th aNnIVersEry bAnquEt..gOna dIE aRh..sTaRt aLl thE wAy fRm 1973!!haVE to waID fOreVEr to eAt NutHIn aRH>_<..yEAp..aFtEr eVEryThIng wE wAtChEd a lIL Of thE fIReWOrKs..wAtCh B4 LiAoz Lah sIncE i cAn sEe FRM My HouSe..dEn pLayed baLL LoR..aT fErZ a fEw sEnIoRs anD Me wAs sIttIn aT thE sIdE tRyIn tO mAKE thE gY guyz fLoP thE bALls By dIsTuRbiN thEm Lah..thEn aFtEr tht..pEi wEn aND hEr FrEn aND Me wEnT to jOiN thE rEz to pLay cBALL..tHEn gOT thIs tcHR sToP us..dUnO wAd His NaME..so WE wENt to cANtEeN to WAid uNtiL hE gO..tHEn wE PLay agAIn..aT fErZ pLayEd bBaLL wIf The Gy PEePz..tHen aFtEr tht so sUay fELl dOwn..then wEnt To PLAy cBaLL..wIf tHE dYb PpL....dYb vS non dYb..thEy aLL rEd ReD oNe VEry Ez to SEe..LoL..tHen zhEn Lao ShI jOiNeD uS aLso..pLay uNtil aRnd 930 LiKe Tht..tHen wEnt hOmE Lah..rEaCh HoMe..thE BlOod keEp oN fLowIn ouT..sTuPiD LAh..eVerITym iNjUreD LiKe Tht OnE..aND a LiL sWoLlen aLsO..mAYbE cUZ jUz nOw dIn cLeAn rITe aFtEr thE fAll..thEn thE blOOd dRIp dRiP dRiP dRip..sToP Now LiAOz Lah..oBvIoUSLy..oR i wULd hAve enDeD Up In HosPiTaL..yeAp..rEAcHEd hOmE dEN rEALIsEd fAmiLy wAs haViNg bAlconY bBq aGAin..thEn bRo wEnt tO cALL hIS fRen..thIs cUTe cUTe Boy BoY..vEry kEwT Lah..thE fAcE sO pUffY and He SO sMAlL..p4 oNLi..sO keWt..hE Let ME qi geK uNTiL hE vERY bUay tAhan..wAna juMp..LoL..sO keWT..hMmzZ..tht shuLd Be aLL..nUthIn tO dO nOw..sIan sIAn sIan sIAn..i sTiLL oWe vORA 3 wEeKs Of LiT hW hAveN comPLEtE..tInK i gOna sPEnD mY tym in tHE Lib FRm Now OnWarDs..gOTa jiA you in mY StURdIes..i hAve slAcked 3 wEeKs awaY LiAoz..sO Muz Jia YOu..dUno thE sTurDi gRp wIF eUn they alL sTiLl On Or NoT..dUn sEem LiKE wE aRe gOna gEt anIthIn dOne aniWae..LoL..kz..tInK i gO sTuRdi a LiL fErz LiaOz..wAn aNzzzZ.... ♥ 1:58 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2003, woAh..2000 LiaOz..!!sO keWL..LoL..tAnx to aLL thOsE thAt vIsiteD!!=)..aRgHhHH..i cAnt sTANd thEsE PpL..so iNconsIDeRAte..cUm iNtO pPL's bLog aND sTaRt cURsIN Non sToP..sO iRrItAtin=S..hAz..2 dAeZ nVr bLoG Le..sLpIn..sUnDaE wENt tO Buy thE cOStumeS wIf eUn aFtEr My LessOn..wE hAd to gEt fEr LiKe 5 oThEr PpL..sO wHEn wE bOuGht thE sTUff we weRe LiKe soMe sTuPid mOrOnS Buy untIL sO mUch..dEn MoNdAe wAs rAcIaL hArmOnY dAy..wE wORe OUt cosTUmeS..qUitE fUn LaH..hAD to intEract wIf thE gUeSts..tHEy veRy fURnI aND enThU..aNd wE tooK a lOT a LOT Of PiCz..dEn hAd cO aFtEr thT..sIAn aRh..nExT tym eVEry mOn hAvE to LiKe tht....tOTaL sIAnIty..eNdEd uP goIn HoMe dRenChEd..bLeAh..tHE cOnsEqUEncE Of HAvIn sOme sEnIorS aLivE-_-""..tOdAe..b4 rEcEss LesSoNs wErE Ok..cUZ mOzLy sLAck sLAcK sLack aNd sLacKy LessOns..tHe PAsTa dAmn nIcE todae..sO bLoaTed..LoL..dEn aFtEr recEss aLL thE dOuBLe pEriOd LEssOnS..SIaNz..eSpEciALLy eNgLiSh..SO SIAN..aRgH..cAnt sTaNd gEorGE..sO sIAn..cHi LucKy One PEriOd OnLi..oR eLsE..i riLlI gona shouT fEr heLP..wHicH iS on fri!!dOUBLe cHi aND eng..wUnderfUL..sImPLy wUndErfUL..(-.-)zZZz..aFtEr sKoOL..fEr OncE eUn aND rAb Had NutHin On..sO wE wErE wOkIn aRnd thE skOOL..sLacKin aWAy at tHE MONkey bAr..duin nUthIn..tOkin aWAy..nO oNe PLay cBaLL..sO sIan..EVERYTHING'S SIAN!!..wEnt hOme AfTEr gOIn KAllANg tO dO soMe sTuFf..tOok tHe sAmE Bus AS NIcE HaIR!!..hMmMMzZ..LisTenin tO shUO aI ni nOw..NuHbAd..bUt dO u rEmEMbEr nicer..LoL..hAiz....cOsEc4Z LeaViNg sOoN LiaOZ..dUnO wILL bE LiKE nP's PoP oR not..mAyBe nOt..0_0..hMmZz..tML gOt dNt..sIaN..I haVen dO anIthIn YeT..sLAck lIke mAd..mUz jIa yOU..cANort sLAcK LiaOZ..mORe sLAcKiN anD i cAn pRePAre tO go tO thE wORst cLass NExt Yr..sIngLe scieNcE nO HuMaNs sociaL sTuDIes..gOt thIs tYpE of coMbI??LoL..kZ..tIReD tOdAe..bEtA gO fInIsh Up thE eSsAy gEorGIe asK uS to wRiTe..mUz wRite PrOpeRly..SHE gAve mE a [Juz pAss] fEr My cOmPlaInt LEttEr..sO Muz jiA yOu..oR eLse diE dIe dIe aNd dIe..X_X Do YOu rEmEmBEr-->aAron cArtEr Remember we'd be up all night Talking 'til the morning light, yeah Like the way it used to be Those simple days Just you and me, mmmm I think baby I know What's on your mind Cuz you look like you've Got something to say I may not say those words anymore But maybe it just ain't my way You ask me do I love you but Do you remember Why I walked on water for you Do you remember My first steps on the moon Have you ever wondered why I gave three wishes to you You asked the question But the answer lies In you, in you The answer lies in you Remember we used to laugh and say No one else could get in our way And there were times When you would cry And came knocking On my door And I was there To shelter your pain I think baby you should Get that off your mind Make it seem like A brighter day I may not say those words anymore But maybe I can make it my way You ask me do I love you but Do you remember Why I walked on water for you Do you remember My first steps on the moon Have you ever wondered why I gave three wishes to you You asked the question But the answer lies In you, in you The answer lies in you The answer girl Lies within your heart Take a look inside You ask me do I love you but Do you remember Why I walked on water for you Do you remember My first steps on the moon Have you ever wondered why I gave three wishes to you You asked the question But the answer lies In you, in you The answer lies in you In you, in you The answer lies in you In you, in you The answer lies in you In you, in you The answer lies in you, yeah ♥ 10:55 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2003, s-I-A-N!!3 dAez nEver BlOg LiaOZ....sO sicK oF evErYThIng..fEeL sO sHi bAi..bIg loSer-_-""..bLEaH..sTaRt fRm wEd..wEd No sHang YiN..dEn i fORgOT wAd i dId oN tHAt dAe aLrEaDy..tHurS wEnt fEr tUItiOn..aCtuaLlI sI wEI wAntEd ME to gO wAtcH LM wIF HEr..cUZ sHe dun wAna bE LIteBuLb ALoNe..sO drAg ME aLOnG to Be LiTeBuLb..bUt tOo bAd..gOT tuItion..sO bOf OF uS diN gO..lEt thEm gO..giVe thEm cHAncE..LOL..yEaP..fRi..sO haPPi..gOT baCk mY sciEncE anD mAth PaPer..scIEncE oK Lah..mAThs got 25!!sO haPpi..sO LoNg NEver gEt so hIgH LiaoZ....aLL the ALgeBRa anD sTuFf..aND i gOT 25 fEr thE aLGebRa sTUff Now..sO haPPi..aFteR tht..sTaY baCk in sKoOL pLay cBaLL..wIf h cLAss GErz aND kEL sqUaRe..aND oNE gaY jUNiOr..dAmn GaY..cANt sTand iT..tHEy gaY togeThEr wIF kEL soMemORe..bTh..thEn aFtEr tht wIf anOthEr gRp..unTiL 6 PLuZ..cHAsEd Out OF skooL bY kIw..sO scArY..tht tyM i wAs vioLAtiNg dUnO hOw ManI hUndRedS oF sKoOl ruLes..sO hAd to Siam quIckLy b4 hE sPOTs anIthIn-_-""..sO haPPi gOT a NEw PhOne agAin..dAn wAna bEaT mE uP I nOe..cAnt heLP iT wAd..mUM wAns My PhoNe..sO shE gOT mE a New oNe..3300 i tiNK..nOT yEt oUt..quite Big..LoOk sO stuPid tokin oN iT-_-""..bUt duN cAre Lah..tHE fUncTiOns dAMn KEwl....i LiKe..LoL tODaE..hAd cO..meL fEn uS toDaE..sO daRn fUrni..fEn a LiL bIt..wE wiLL end uP sMILin aT eAcH oTher nOt sAeiN anIthIn..LoL..so sPaS..dEn wiLl coNtiNuE to fEn aGAin..fEn uNtIL 11 LiKE tht..sHE haD to go zhAo Ji..sO wE nO One fEn..fEn OUrseLvEs..rEcentLy sO iNtEnsE on fEnNIn oUrselvEs..Last Tym..wILL sLAcK lIke mAd..NOw gOT PRacTIce..sO sAtIsfiEd..thEn aFtEr tht kEssY fEn uS..fEr LiKe 5-10 mIn??kEeP oN rEstaRtiN thE begInnIn..mY "tRiLl" rIlLI vErY bAd..Yu Bo cAmE to tOk tO uS aFtEr thAt..sO paISeH..hAd to bLow sOLo aT fErz..BuDdEn aFtEr tht cAn pLay tWo pArt oNe..bUddEn..I COMPLETELY FORGOT HOW TO PLAY THE SONGS!!dAmn tRagIc..anD pAthEtiC..yeAp..wAntEd to gO lUNch aFter Tht..nIta thEy aLL duno wAItiN fEr wAd..sO iNsTEad wEnt tO pLay bALL..thEn plAyEd cBaLL fEr aWhILe wIf a FeW eDs peepz aND cO sEnIOrs..dEn aFteR tht wEnt to pLay vbALL pLay uNtiL aRnd 5 LiKE tht..wIf cHarLoeTte Kai chIan and thE rEz....yeAp..wEnt hOME anD*sNorEz*sLept sLepT sLEPT sLePT fEr 2 hRs..sO tIReD(-.-)..tML sTiLL haVe to gO gEt thE cOstuMes..hAiZzZZzz[dO u ReMEmbEr Y i WOK oN wAtEr fEr u..dO u rEmemBEr mY fErz sTeP oN thE mOoN..hAve u eVa wUndErEd y i Gave 3 wISheS to u..u ASK THe qn bUt thE anSwEr LiEs wIf U!!] ♥ 11:07 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, hEyZ..aNotHEr 3 dAeZ nEvEr bLoG LiaOZ..sEeM tO bE bLoGgiN eVEry 3 dAeZ-_-""..oK sTaRt fRm sUn??sUn wAs The UsuAL..nUtHIn NEw..mOn..cHEn Lao sHi gAvE uS a [Yan gUaNg] wHen sHE meNTiOneD thT cLAss GOt a LoT Of xIAo zU..LiKe wE aRe thE oNli oNez LiKE Tht LoR....wE LiKE Tht VEry ObvioUS MEhz??evEryOne aLSo haVE wAd..aP aRh..anD i aLSo jUz fOuNd OUt wE aRe HavIn a lOng LoNg bReAk AnD thAt tRaINiN wULd oNLi rEsUMe iN sEPt..sIAn MoNdAez....dUnO wAd To dO....bOREd....haIZ tHEsE dAeZ gEttIN MorE aND mORe bOrEd....eUn aND rAb gOT NP!!aNd thE oThEr 2 gOT sTeAds to enTertAin aND oN toP Of THaT wEe gOT cO....hEr sYf cuMIn....gD LUcK to Her ManZ..haIz..sIAnsIansIansIan..i nEeD cOMpANY!!....oK!!..nOw tOdAe..yEst pIa uNTiL 2 aM..sO tiRed toDaE..sO wORrIEd i wILL foRgEt evEryTHinG..tODaE dOUBLe dOOmdAy..twO tEstS oN thE sAme dAe aND Bof rEquIrE a Lot a LoT Of MEmORy wORk..espEcIaLLy scIencE..i dUn evEn NOe wAd i aM memOrIsiN-_-""....aND gEog i ONLi bRIefLy bRieFlY..so diE LoR....oK LAh..tOdAe's tEsT..oK ONLi..miNuS duNo HOw ManI ziLLioN mArX aLrEady=X..thEn as usUAL..ccA bF cO..sO i aM aLoNe aGAin..thEn aCtuaLLi wANtEd to Go pW wiL cL..bUT toO tiRed..so wENt HOmE to slEeP iNsTeAd..sLEPT uNtiL 9!!mUm sO anGrY wIf mE..tIRed wAd..cAnt hElP iT(-_-")zZz..hMmZz..sIAn..tMl's sUE wEi's bdAE..anD wE haVEn goT hEr a pReZziE yEt..wUndErfUL!!tink tMl gOIn oUt wIF HEr..nOT sUrE Leh..sO sIan..hAiz..sIAnsIAnsIAnsIAn..totaL sIAnzaTiOn..i hAveN beEn fEeLiN LiKe thIs fEr a LOnGLONgLoNgLOnG tYm..haIz..sAd mAnz..tink By nOw hE go LiaOz..noT cuMiN baCk tiLL nexT yr??i gUEss..hAiz..sAd..hMmZz..sO sIAn sO sIAn..>_<..gona dIE OF sIAneSs MAnz..bLEaH.. ♥ 10:10 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2003, oWWwW..havIn dIArrHoeA..dUnO wAd sTuPid sTuFf i aTe YEsT....cUZ OF thIs i sHoRt oF maNi ManI hOUrs of sLp..aHhhHhh..sIcK mAnZ..cAnT dO mucH aT hoMe..hAve to ruSh tO thE toILeT LiKe EveRY HouR..mY toIleT burStIn LiaOZ...pAin..bOoHooHoo..2 dAeZ nEveR bLoG LiaOZ....tHuRs hAd sKOoL thEn tuItiOn..tHE uSuAL LAh....yEsT cUZ tHE sKoOL wANTEd eVEri1 Out By 4..sO we dIn pLaY cBaLL..sO wENt to wAtcH sYf insteAd..sTuPiD Lah..gO aLL thE wAy tHErE juz to WaTcH a tV sCrEeN..mY hOuSe tV nIcEr LAh..-_-""..sOme sTuPid iDiOt MAkE ME VEry AnGry yEst aLso..hMph..dUn wAn to tOk abt It..i fINiSh vEnTin iT aLL Out On sOme nIcE nicE pPL LiAoz>_<..u aLL nOe hU u r..tANX!!..yEaP tHEn LoOt's dAd LoMbAng ME BAck....hEr dAd vEry NicE....bUt My dAd nIcEr..whahahhaZ=x..hMmZz..pAreNTs in MaLAysIA agAin..sO i aM STucK....bUt thIs tYm wiF bRoz....nOt tht sIAn..hEhEz..aNd My gRanNy tOo..yEAp..hAiZ..fEeL sO SicK mAnz..whItE ENuF LiaOz..nOw i LoOk eVEn wHItEr..LiKE gHoSt LiKE Tht..hAiz..sAw hIm yEsT..so qIaO..>_<..haIz..jUZ rEALisEd i gOt 3 tEst thIs cumin wEek..in 2 cONsecUTiVe dAez..tuEs aND wEd..zhE mE baN..i aM stiLL sLAckIn aWAy..nO mOod sTuRdi..hOW to StURdi wHEn u goT dIArrHoeA..sIcK LAh tHe tChR..dIEdIedIEdIE..kZ gO sTuRdi LAter..cYaz.. ♥ 5:26 PM
Wednesday, July 09, 2003, hMmMzz....tOdAe haD sKoOL aS uSuaL....juZ tht cHEn bLeaH bLeAH kEep aimIn oUr rOw thIs tYm....sO sIckEnIng....gEttIn sCOLdEd eArLi in The MoRnIn....wAnteD to shOoT bAcK>_<....feEL sO rEbELLiOus....eRmM....hAd maTh BIg teSt tODaE....dIE Le Lah....i minUs 4 mArX LiaOz....aNd dNt iS sOooO sIAn....wAna sLp....so siAn sO sIAn....aFtEr sKOoL wEnT wAtCh mOvIE wIf MUthU hUi Ping jAsmINe jEreMy anD mAt....wATch cHArLiE's aNgELS....sPas shOw....aNd fUrnI thIng IS ThaT....aT thE eND of thE shOw....jEremy aSk maT wAd dEy wErE dUin aND mAt sAid....[thEy aRe wAsHin tHE cAr]....tHEn wE wEnT to aDd aND sAid....thEy wAtchEd thE whOLe shOw aNd cOncLudEd thT tHEy wErE wAShIn cArs??....-_-""LamE Manz....yEaP....wEnT hOmE aFtEr THt LoR....i dIN sLP toDaE LEh....sO tIRed....sTiLL gOT hW....aND nExt wK haVE gEoG anD scI tEst oN thE sAmE dAe....sIan....i duN uNDErsTaNd a SiNgLE thInG aBT thE LifE scIEncE LoR....hOw tO diE....tInk I rILLi gOna Be GuaI Kia LiaOz....mUz kEmpatEh aND JIa yOU....yEaP....yEaH tmL thUrs....sLacKy thUrs....LuV thURs aFtEr thE cHAnGe Of tImEtAbLe....aLL tHe sLAcK sLAcK pEriOds aLL oN thUrs....sHuaNg....hMmmMzzzz.....noRt mucH cRaP tODaE....vEry LiL pPL oNLinE toDaE....sIAN(/_\)zZzZ.....kZ....vEry tIreD tODaE....tHTs aLL tODaE....nITez....[rUsHin aGaInsT tYm....dUn tInk i cAn hOLd OUt MucH LoNGeR....-_-""] ♥ 9:28 PM
, hEyHey...3 dAeZ nEvEr bLog LiaOZ....fULL OF cRaP now....hMMMzzz...oK LEts sTarT wIF sUn....sUn nUtHIn sPEcIAL Lah....wEnT fEr PiaNo LessOn....tHEn caME bAcK hOmE to sLack....thEn wEnT to bUy dInNEr cUz as i sAid fAMiLy nOt iN....tHEy caME baCk aT niTe....nO PEaCe aT lAst....LucKy i fInishEd a LiL wORk iN the dAy tYm-_-""....yEaP....thEn MoN IS tHe LAst MiNUTe hOmEwOrk PiaIn dAe....sO STuRdIEd thE 50 cHEnG yU....wIf a LOt oF eNcoURagEmEnt fRm rAb aND dY...i diN sTurdi thE zhAo Ju....wHicH mAkE thE sTuRdi iNg aLl so Ez....oH yEaH....wEnT ouT wIf sI WEi,sUe Wei anD KEnnY tO oRcHARd to wOk wOk actuaLLy wAnTed to Watch mOVie...bUddEn sIncE i was LatE wE diN waTch....cUz By tHE tyM fiNish LiaoZ vEry LaTe....so wok wOk aimLessLy lOR....aND i aTe a lOt a lOT a lOT...wElL nOt aS mUch aS sI WeI thOUgh=X....tHen wEnT baCk HomE aFtEr THt....sLAcK aWhILE anD wEnT oUt aGain....haD tO dO sOme sTufF aND aLSo to gEt sTh....thEn sUAy sUAy mEt giApPy sze ZhEng aND KEssy oN tHE BUz....tORtuRiN-_-""....WAs acTuaLLi reAdin hP pEacefULLy[i aM LAggIn LiaOZ KZ]....aNd dEy cUm....i OnLi manAged to FiNish uP 2 pAgEs aLl tHE wAy tO KALlang....cANt heLP IT....hoW fAst cAn U reaD wHen tHErE aRe LiKe 2 IDiOts bEhInd PuLliN aT uR HaIr aND cRaPPiN....aND aLSo maDe suRe u wEre LisTenIn....eArs aLmOZ rIpPed....kEep oN PuLLin dOWn mY eArpIecE(/_\)....yEaP....cAmE hOmE aND LiE aRnd aND dO LAst miNute HW....dEn wAs sTuRdIiNg cHEng Yu wHILe i Was ONLiNe LoR....mAkE IT sO SlOw....sO gOT eNcouraGEmEnt aND aLso fEr thE saKe oF wAtChIN sMALLvIlLe[LanA vEry cHIo]....i dEcIDeD nOt tO memOrisE thE zhaO ju lOr....so dIE LoR-_-""....hahaz....thEn tOdAe haD sKoOL....i ONLi sLepT 3 hRz....sO pRo....cUz wAs Playin mIneSweePeR yEst Nite thEn thEy sTuPid coM aLWaEs duN LEt ME wIn....oR elSe iT wILL leT ME PLay untiL fiNishIn tHEn PLant a stuPid bOmb theRe....so i vEry qi gEk....pLay untIL i wIn unTiL shuanG....sO nOt enuf SlP LoR....haIZ....tHEn tODaE thE cHEng yU tEst quITe eZ LAh....cAN gEt 40 PlUz LAh....hMmmzz....hAd uPpErsEc rEcEss.....sO SIAn...lIkE so DaRn OUt LiKe Tht....sTUPid dOU hUa shUi....aLl hEr faULt....LoWer sEc recEss aT LeaST cAn see nicE hAir....haIZ...wAdeVA LAh....hMmMm....tHEn sTay bAck awHILe tILl 3 pLuz thEn wEnt hOme To sLP....fEr 3 hRs....tHEn dO hW agAin....sTuPid gEorgE gIve hW....haiZ....fInaLLy sORt uP soMe sTuff i tiNk=)....sO haPpi....bUT fEeL vEry fOOLish aND sTuPid fEr tHE fInaL dEciSiOn....haIz...wAd To dO-_-""....cAnT heLP It....kZ....tInk i go bE gUai Kia sLP LiaOZ....gOna fLuNk MAth tML....tEo LAst MiN tELL US....nOt faiR Lor....LisTeNin to where iS dA Luv noW....very NicE....lUv It....kZ....wAn aNZz....sWeeTiE dReaMz....** ♥ 12:02 AM
Saturday, July 05, 2003, sIaN tOdaE....sI wEi sMs mE eARLi iN thE mOrnIn jUz to tELL mE....sHe nOT goin oUt tODaE....sO din go oUT wIf anIonE tODaE....[wUnDeRfUL]!!sO sIan....dEn nUthIn tO dO....wAs waTcHiNg KiDs cEnTraL tHE wHOLe mOrnIn aFteR hELpiN dAd wAteR tHe PLaNts[kEpT On caLLin JuZ to maKE sUrE i wAteReD tHe PLaNts-_-""..sO nO chOIcE..faMILy nOt in sINg wAd..hAiZ]..hMmzZ..aCtuaLLi cArtOOns qUite fUn tO waTCh....yEaP....tHOsE PRograMmEs aCtEd bY adULts[LiKe hi5 oR wAtCh eAt....bLah bLaH bLah] daMN LaMe....dUn LiKe..sOme aDuLTs jUz aRen'T mEanT tO aCt iN KiDs pRogrAmMe-_-""....sO sWitChEd tO tHE mTv cHAnNEL wHEn tHe pRoGraMmEs wErE oN aIR...tHEn acTuaLLi iT wAs sHOwIn tHE tOp 25 pOp tEeNs bElOw tHE aGE Of 25 tHen aftEr tHT shOw dUno WaD....tHEn kEeP oN pLayIn bLuR's sOng....sO sIAn....LiSteN to thEiR sOnG aNd rEaDiN thE hP BOoK..rEaD unTiL i aLSo bLuR....hAd tO fLiP bAcK to RecaP..tInk i tAke vEry LoNg tO fiNisH uP thE bOOk....cHErYL fIniShEd iT tWicE Le..ViV fINisHed wIthIn 4 hRs..hU piNg fINiSheD LE..aNd KeLvIn fIniShed iN 7 hRs....aNd iTs beEn aLmOZ a WK n I HAVEN FINISH THE BK!!haIz..paThEtIc..wAtCh tHE tUBe tILL 3 PLuZ 4 LiKE Tht thEn wEnT tO gEt rEaDy mY bIkE anD cYCLed tO paRkwAy tO rEPLenIsh mY dAiLy fOod sUPpLiEs anD bUy dInnEr....hAvE to seLf seRvIcE sIncE famILy nOt in..dEy [sUn bIAn] cLEaRed thE fRidGE aND tIdbItS tO brIng 2 maLAysIa....sO tHE wHOLe kItcHEn's eMPty..aLmoz diEd OF huNgEr tHis mOrnIng sO haD to coOk mAggI MEe....pOoR mE=(..sO MUZ rEpLenIsh my fOod suPpLies anD hAd tO cYcLe tO pArkwAy cUZ mY eZ LiNk cArD gOIn tO nO mOnEy..-_-""..sUn bIan wEnT tHErE tO wOk wOk..dEn wAs sPeEdIn bAcK hOmE..tRyIn tO breAk tHe 28mIn rEcOrd bUt hAd tO sLoW dOWn cUz mEt sOmE cO PPL hU wErE cUmin bAcK fRm thE PeRfOrmaNCe i tInk..tHEn KaIyAn wEnT tO rAisE hEr hAnd iN thE mIddLE oF thE paTh jUz to SaE hi..hAd tO asK hEr tO mOve..dUno wAd iS dIe..aLmOz kNocKed IntO hEr-_-""..=X..then pErcUssIon PPL sIAm fAst..bUt sEreNe wAs staNdiN BluR bLur iN the MiddLE of the PAtH-_-""..bTh thesE pPL(-_-)..LoL..tInK LoNg tYm nEveR cYCLE LiaOZ..sIncE thE aCcIDEnT....sO iT's LiKe 3 mNtHs aLreAdy....mY sPeed sO dARn sLoW..sO dIsaPpoInTed....rEacHed hOmE in moRe tHAn haLf an hOur i tiNk..sHi bAi..wAd a faIluRe..sOmeMOrE oN thE wAy tO pW aLmOz fELl dOwn a lOt oF tYms..bUt aT LEaSt nOw i mOre [tRaFfic cAreFuL]..sO tiRed nOw..gOt aLL mY suPPLies rEaDy..FOOD AND DRINKS!!yEaH!!..cAn rOT aT hOmE aLrEaDy..sO haPPi..LOL..LisTeNiN tO [wHerE iS thE LovE] nOw..tHe cHorUs vEry NicE..i LiKe tHE 3rD pArT oF tHE rAppIn..tAnx tO dReY aND dAn i aM addICted nOw..cOpiEd tHE LyrIcs bELoW..vEry nIce..sO dIff fRoM otHer sOnGs..anD sI wEi's aDdiCtEd tO kEnnY maChI noW..wEnT oFfLiNE jUz wHen thEiR MTv wAs PLAyin-_-""..dUn LiKe thE lEaDer oF thE gRp..thT oLd Man toTaLLy suX..rAP untIl so naN tINg soMemORe..sHuLd LEaRn fRm eMiNem,bLaCk eYeD pEaS bLah bLah BLah.. hMmZz..wUndErIn hOw thE coMpeTiTion wEnT yEsT..tOdaE's eNtRy a LiL LoNg..hEhEz..hAiz..sIaNz 2dAe..B-O-R-E-D..(-.-)ZZzz.... [Where Is The Love?] [black eyed peas feat. justin timberlake] What's wrong with the world, mama People livin' like they ain't got no mamas I think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin' In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah Badness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how a n**** works and operates N**, you gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all People killin', people dyin' Children hurt and you hear them cryin' Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin' Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love It just ain't the same, always unchanged New days are strange, is the world insane If love and peace is so strong Why are there pieces of love that don't belong Nations droppin' bombs Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' in Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug If you never know truth then you never know love Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know) Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know) Where's the love, y'all People killin', people dyin' Children hurt and you hear them cryin' Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin' Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder Most of us only care about money makin' Selfishness got us followin' our own direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria Kids act like what they see in the cinema Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity Whatever happened to the fairness in equality Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under Gotta keep my faith alive to lovers bound People killin', people dyin' Children hurt and you hear them cryin' Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin' Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) ♥ 8:03 PM
Friday, July 04, 2003, sOOoo hAPPY tOdAE!!!!..cUz its yOuTh dAe....haHaz....nO Lah..jK....maIn rEasOn iS cUz i SAW [hIm] Lor....dIn NoE wAd tO dO aLsO....sAw [hIm] aNd wAs sMiLin aWAy nOn sToP....aHhh!!>_<....yEaP...tHen nO LEssOn LiAoz aFtEr cHEw aND dOU hUa shUi....teO hOStiN thE uPpEr sEc cElEbraTioN....sO wE sNeaK tO thE haLL to WaTcH ThE kArAoKe....vErY NIcE....tHe sOngs aLso vEry nIce....nOt LiKe oUr LoWer sEc oNe....sO sIAn cUZ It wAs rAinIng....hMMmzz...wE ImProved bY oNe PLAcIn....yEah..nOt LaST....tHe sEc oNez dAmn aP-_-""....2A ROX dA wORLD 4eVA!!....yEaP....wEnT tO cO sYf fULl dReSs rEheArsAL aFtEr thT....wIf sI wEi,cEpHee aNd KeLLy....wEnT tO haVe LuncH b4 Tht..sO wE weRe LATe....aND haD to WaID 20 mIns oUtsIDe....fEr thE PErfOrmaNCe tO fIniSh....wHicH WAs LiKe 4 pRogRaMMes LoR....(-.-)zZzZ[b-E-a-uTiFuL....wUndErfUL!!]....thEn sI weI DamN LoNg wInDeD....hAvE bEeN cRappiN abt HEr ****** frM 2 tiLL thE enD oF thE [cOncErt]....aNd tHe gAL aT thE fINaLE VEry cUTe....aND thE beLl thT pErfOrmAncE vEry NIcE aLSo....sO keWL....hMmmmZz....tHen wEnT hOmE....wEnT thE wRoNg wAY....sO wE haD tO wOk oNe bIg BIg rOUnD aNd aLSo jAy[gAy] wOK tILl tHE mRt....tHEn so bo LIaoZ....wAs runnIn to the Mrt sTaTiOn....tIReD....cAme bAcK hOmE aFtEr Tht....wHoLE fAmILy gONe MALaysIa....lEft mE aLOnE....fEr 4 dAeZ....yEaH....gOna tURn thE hOuse uPsIDe dOwn....yEaP....coNtiNue uPdaTin LAter....ciAo fEr NOw.... ♥ 7:11 PM
Thursday, July 03, 2003, S-I-A-N!!tHis fEW dAeZ iS sO dAmN sIAn....gOna exPLoRe nEw wAyz tO sHOw mY sIAnEsS....hAiZ....tHEsE fEw dAez mAni sTuFf haPPeNEd....moZ OF tHEm eNDEd wELL tHouGh....nOt tO mE Lah....tHIngS KiNDa gOt wORst....hMmmZzzZ....bEeN eAtIn mucH laTeLy....aND i rILli mEaN a LoT....dIe dIE MAnZ....gOTtA cUt dOWn oN thT..oR i aM gOIn bRoKe....aNd i aM gOna LooK LiKE a LumP oF shIt....sO bEta cUt dOWn on The fOOdsTuFf(-_-)"yEsT rEceIvEd a LoTta bAd NEwS....sO LuaN aND dIssApPoInTeD....dEpReSsEd tOo...noT dEprived oR sTh....jUz dEpReSsEd....haIZ....LiFe sTiLL has tO gO oN anIwAe....bEeN sEeIn so maNi haPPy facEs LAteLy....tHosE wHo pAtCh up DiD sO....tHosE hU hAd tO cLEaR tHeIR dOUbTs dId sO....tHoSE hu jUz HAd To mAkE a dEcISIon aND tAkE thIngS sLoWly....dId sO....aNd nOw tHey aRe aLL sO haPPy=)....sHuLd i fEeL haPpy tOO??hApPy fEr tHeM i gUEss....i JuZ caNT fInd a WaY tO gEt riD oF my pRoBs....iF i cOuLd cHOoSe....i wULd rAtHer bE a rEptiLe....aT LEaSt tHey aRe cOLd bLoODed....hmmMmZz....tMl yOutH dAe....sIAn....eUn wUn bE hErE....nAts....2 aLL tHosE gOin fEr nAts....JIA YOU!!JIA YOU!!WO YONG YUAN ZHI CHI NI MEN!!;)....tML gona be a sIAn sIAn dAe MAnz..eXcEpt thT mANy tChRs wUn BE aBlE to tEaCh sO can SlAcK....rEz OF tHE dAy iS sO SiAn....-_-""....nO pRoGrAmMEs....anD i tOLD mi SeNIoR i gOT sTh oN jUz tO duN gO wAtch sYf rEheArsAL....hA!!....hOpE sHE dOEsn't sEe tHIs....oR iTs Moz pRoB tHE eND OF ME=S....sIAnzZzZ ♥ 9:33 PM |