

pasta inc.
district 10
auntie anne's
two fat men
the burger restaurant
norwegian wood
away we go
the notebook
the vow
the lovely bones
everything's illuminated
extremely loud and incredibly close
we bought a zoo
american pie: the reunion
an education
the great gatsby
perks of being a wallflower


coming soon.

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Designer: Corissa
Basecodes: xavqior and Stac'ey

Sunday, July 29, 2007,

accomplishment of the day:100++ pages of "happy potter"

im a-d-d-i-c-t-ed!
...and i hate tht i wish it had organic chem or statistics or phyics fast facts inside so that i can revise my work in the process but NO,ms rowling chose to put fictional science and dumbdumb ribbitywabbity fairytales in the book tht somehow has the magic power to keep a person's mind on it and nowhere else.drats.

anyway,great day ahead!yeay!=D
may be the last time though.=/

random:wonder why the "piupiu" isn't workin on my phone.hmm.

2:42 AM

Friday, July 27, 2007,

hopes can bring one to the nines,
hopes can shatter one's heart.
hopes bring fear
and happiness at the same time.

having clearly understood this however,
a hope stubbornly persists,unknowingly.
some things are just beyond control,
it happens when it feels like
and to the least expected people.
maybe thats the definition of fate and destiny,
maybe,just maybe,its a beginning.

random:opening one's mind,opens one's heart,opens one's spirit----now thts what i call release.=)

11:21 PM

Saturday, July 21, 2007,

a woman had half an hour left to her boarding time.
feeling hungry,she went over to a cafe and bought a packet of cookies and milk.
she then seated patiently beside a man savouring the cookies.
however,while reading the papers at the same time,the woman realised that the man took one cookie everytime she took another!
she was fuming mad and couldn't stop thinking to herself,
"why is this man eating my cookies?"
and so this continues till the last piece of cookie.the man took the last piece of cookie,broke it into half and gave one half to the woman.
the woman blew her top at the thought of the man eating the last of her cookies and gave the man a tight slap.

later on the plane,the woman opened her bag and was shocked for words.

the packets of cookies and milk she bought was in her bag all along.

heard this from yulin and weilin's cell group today.
meaningful and insightful as it is.

many things happen for a reason and we just have to admit that shit does happen.
just like the man in the story,some people meet just to get a slap in the face for nothing at all.
scandalous news of husbands or wives cheating on their spouses still happens despite commitment and loyalty showered by the victims.
and animal attack cases similar to the steve irwin case still occurs despite our attempts to save them from extinction.
not every good thing one do will result in another good thing.
in this reap what you sow isn't exactly justifiable.

then again,there are criminals and serial killers who get caught and punished by the law.
kids who get reprimanded for performing badly in school.
and even deadly mosquitoes which faces total extermination.
thats the meaning of you reap what you sow.
you will never get durians if you plant banana seeds.
it would be a miracle if tht happens.
but life is all about miracles.

people make mistakes,
i made one and neglected the price i have to pay.
its like eating a yummy ramli burger in the mrt and getting fined $50,000 for it.
maybe it was a unexpected but well deserved punishment.

expectations of oneself as well as others is never good.
and assume is just making an ass out of you and me,that i haven't learnt.
the higher the expectation,the steeper you fall and the more painful your fall is.(duh!)

still,im glad the uncontrollable rain has subsided and a clear view of the long road lay before me.
i just have to move on.

don't wana turn into a pillar of salt.

1:34 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2007, worst fear has happened again.hah.
quite ironic how i still went ahead with it knowing tht the ending will be what i expected.its like jumping into the sea knowing you will die but still jump into it hoping someone would come and save you and tht a miracle would happen.

hopes are jibberish,which results in disappointment.reality is whats rational.

i need the courage.

7:24 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007,

"i have never been hurt by what i did not say."

3:16 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2007,



wonderful and interesting lunch with YULIN!-winkz-

followed by movie wtih my fav ppl!
and then there was dinner after a few shopping attempts and long wait for seats occupied by woman who cun stop talkin at soupspoon.
finally ice cream yumyum.five flavours mixed into two of the best i ever had!yum to the power of ten!
im addicted!!

1:09 AM

Thursday, July 12, 2007,

it was the last lesson of the term and the teacher wanted the students to learn to speak like the grown ups.
so the first student said "i went to the restaurant to mum mum"
the teacher then corrected him "its eat not mum mum"
second student then said "i took the choo choo to malaysia last holiday"
the teacher again corrected him,"its called train not choo choo"
the third student then said very confidently"i read a book this weekend"
the teacher ,impressed, continued to probe"so what book did you read?"

"winnie the shit"

hope this entry cheered up people who were sad or moody or emo or stressed.
i wish it could.

9:48 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007,

"if you have a fat friend see saws don't exist....only catapults do."

4:21 PM

Saturday, July 07, 2007,

school was short and sweet since it was a fri.apparently the J2 population rapidly disappeared as soon as 2pm reached.the doings of this thing called "prelims".roar.
half my results are out and the probability of mrs chang's secret desire of meeting my parents come true is lik 0.85.arghhh.
wanted to study in the lib.apparently got stuck in this sudoku puzzle for 3 hours(with constant shh'ing and could-you-pls-go-somewhere-elses and of course the 2039487209348209384 tries at the puzzle) and it was time to go check out the soccer girls and thus no work done!
brr.wenta dino and yulin's cell group after was fun and all tht.kinda relaxing after all the rubbish problems were over and the necessity of bothering abt stuff you could do nothing abt just seem to diminish.the spaghetti we had for dinner was goood too!yum!=D

"no man's an island."
how true.=)

1:23 AM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007,

"the only way to a peaceful situation is to compromise and hide your true self."

lesson learnt today.although it sucks to succumb to this type of pressure.i guess its necessary.
its the only way.

anyhow.there was a lack of the mood for just felt like holiday still.i dun wana go to school.
metup wth the smalleye who once again pangseh-ed!haha.or she wun have anyone to watch transformers with.anyway.its a good film.not cartoon at all.neither issit another version of power rangers.for one thing.they din had pink ranger neither did they have red yellow green blue ranger.
ended up with my wonderful bimbo who was supposed to go home with me.somehow we ended up doing A LITTLE shopping(yeah right).

...and so this ends my first official school day.
i'm a good drifter,i guess.=/

11:07 PM