♥ attrapemoisitum'aimes. |
![]() Justine 15/04/89 KPO district 10 cuscaden naive two fat men the burger restaurant norwegian wood the vow the lovely bones everything's illuminated extremely loud and incredibly close we bought a zoo american pie: the reunion beetlejuice an education the great gatsby TAKEitALLout!!
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003 05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 02/01/2008 - 03/01/2008 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 05/01/2009 - 06/01/2009 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 08/01/2009 - 09/01/2009 09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009 12/01/2009 - 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010 05/01/2010 - 06/01/2010 06/01/2010 - 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 - 08/01/2010 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010 09/01/2010 - 10/01/2010 10/01/2010 - 11/01/2010 11/01/2010 - 12/01/2010 12/01/2010 - 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 - 02/01/2011 02/01/2011 - 03/01/2011 03/01/2011 - 04/01/2011 04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 - 06/01/2011 06/01/2011 - 07/01/2011 08/01/2011 - 09/01/2011 10/01/2011 - 11/01/2011 11/01/2011 - 12/01/2011 03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012 04/01/2012 - 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 - 06/01/2012 08/01/2012 - 09/01/2012 10/01/2012 - 11/01/2012 04/01/2013 - 05/01/2013 05/01/2013 - 06/01/2013 10/01/2014 - 11/01/2014 12/01/2014 - 01/01/2015 04/01/2016 - 05/01/2016 Designer: Corissa Basecodes: xavqior and Stac'ey |
Tuesday, August 26, 2003, haIZ!!sIaN..NoT in a gD MoOD..sOmE stuPiD mOsQuITO wEnT to PLaNt a kISs On mY fAcE dURin cLaSs..sO biG KiSs...bLeAH..sO aNgRy..wif thE mosqUitO..LOL..nOw MY fAcE LIke gOT onE bIG BiG BiG BiG pIMPLE..BLEAH..tOdAe hAd tChr's dAe rEheaRsAL..Kiw suX to thE coRe lOR..sO pIcKy..wAn thIs dun wAN tht..aNd thE PIaNo sUx..thEn sIncE thE pEdAL sPoiL i cAn stANd Up n pLaY..maKe sEeIn thE scoRe eZIer..yeAP..wE wENt fOR KoU Yu BiAO dA foR 1 hR..50 oVA PpL cAmE!!in OnE clAss LoR..sO kewL rITE..thEn wE haD thE tChr's dAe reheArsaL tILL 5 PlUz..thEn cAmE hoMe And watcHed sPONgEBoB squaRePantS..yeAH!!IT rAwKZ..afTEr tht sLePt foR haLf an hOuR thEn kEna wAkeN up sLACk aRnD lOr..gOT gEog wb hAven do..go LiAOz..bAIz.. ♥ 10:34 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2003, hahahaz...4 daez never blog liaoz..thurs pon tuition..cuz got rehearsal 4 tchr's dae performance..used the co room..the tchr very nice..lol..then fri stay back play ball tht after tht went lib..then saw this bunch of bitchy kc gals..so er..they were tryin to jio the acsi guyz..then they went to write their no and put at the guyz' bag there..so bu yao lian..then they did a lot a lot of er xin stuff..so i si wei and sue wei din do much..sit their watch show and gossip abt wads happenin lor..so er xin..was so er wanted to move downstairs and sit at the sofas..so nice..but downstairs no place..sad..then the kc gals damn err lor..behave like some prostitiutes like tht..YUCK!!oK eNuF..mEt shU Ying maRiLYn maN tInG anD MolLie at tHE LIb..thEn aFtEr tht 3 oF US went for dInNer..tHen bAck hOmE Lor..then toDAe..haD cO..quITE fUn..haD a haLf an HoUr brEaK tHEn wE PLay cbALL..wIf thE sEc 1z..quItE fUn..tHen coNtiNue wIf fEn Zu..thEn wE haD guAnyUe hE zoU..so SiAn..pLaY herE aND thErE thE sAmE tWo sonGs..thEn LaSt hoUr wE sLAck anD chI cHaT..imPOssibLe to keEP On fEn fOR 4 hRs riTe..sO LiKe tht LoR..thEn haD He ZOu b4 wE LEfT..yeAp..aftEr tht wEnT LUnch wIf si wEI..then cAmE back cuZ KaYeE sAe pLaY cbALL..theN kenA cHEatEd..cuZ no OnE tO pLay wIf..so slAcK aRnD at thE co rooM..chIt chAT..thEn yiNg haO camE..thEn chIt chAT oSo..hIs gF quiTe chIO..thEn aFtEr tht..sI wEI cAmE my hOuse to wAtCh thE PIrAtEs Of caRrIbeAn..tHEn cUZ It WAs rAiNiN..the weAthEr wAs sO gOod....i fELL aSlEeP iN thE mIddLe aND woke Up iN thE eND..sO i wAtCheD tHE BegiNniN aND eNd OnLI..kIndA geT thE stORyLInE LaH..sO nVm..then Si Wei wAS givIn ME thE [u wAtChIn tV oR slpin]LoOK..LoL....yeAh..tHen hAd diNNEr At tHE BAlcony..sHuaNg..so sTuFfeD NoW..bLoatEd..*buRp**bUrP*..lol..JkJk..haHaz..i surE nOe HoW tO enjOy lIfe..LIFE RAWKZ tOdAe..aFtEr YEst..i fEeL MUcH LigHtEr..fEEL LifE rAwKs..LifE iS aCtuALlI sO b-E-a-utiful..!!i aM gona EnJOy LifE fRoM nOw oNwArds..yeAp..=)..kZ..qUItE LonG LIaOz..wAn Anzzzz!! ♥ 9:36 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2003, LoL..tOdAe sIAn sIAn dAe..wEnt foR thE sIAn sIAn LEssOns thEN wENt sY..S-I-A-N..oK..sY wAs nOt tht siaN Lah..nVm..tML sLack dAe..LooK oN thE brigHtEr siDE!!no tAn wAH cHwEe..YEAH!!eH gOT..fOr orAl..hAIz..wAdaHeLL..sTiLL haVe to SEe HEr..tiNK i wILL MIsS hEr scoLdIn tWo MnThS LATER??hAIz..vEry mOoDy thEsE dAEZ..paRtLy cUZ aLL thE lEssOnS aRE sO sIAN!!SIANSIANSIANSIANSIANSIANSIANSIAN..sEe i cAn eVEn tYpE IT sO eASiLy nOw..hAIz..tML goT tUITIOn..S-I-A-N!!cAnt wAid fEr fRi..mAyB cAn PLAy cBALL!!bUT hAvE to sHou KU b4 tht..dOUBLe chInEsE aND dOUBLe eNg..GD LucK to mE!!hMmmMzZ..fEEl sO frEe nOw.. ♥ 8:51 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003, tOdAe Is SIan siAn dAe..tML WORSE..mY gEOg..haIz..hAI KE Yi Lah..rAb fEVEr todAe 38.2..aT fErZ wE tot sHE sLp laTE dun wANa cum to skoOL..LOL..anIwAE..toDAEz LEssOnS wErE toTAlLY....S-I-A-N!!eXcePt scIeNcE thE lASt eXperiMeNT wAS nicE..LoL..aS kEnA u Noe Hu..fAcE tuRnEd tomaTO thE mOmeNt sHe wAs cHoSeN to cOme In..LOL..bEZ oF LucK fOr hIm ManZ..pPL duI tA yI PIaN chI xiNg..LOL..kkZ..dUn tok aBt HIM LiAOz..tMl sIAn sIAn sIAnsIAn..chIneSe 2 pEriOdS!!dNT!!thREe pEriOds..gOnA dIE OF sIAneSs maNz..tHEn rElEasE laTe thEn haVe sY..SIANSIANSIANSIAN....haIz..i wAna wATch LeAgUe Of eXtrAoRdinarY gEntLemeN aND dAddYdAycArE....bUT sO sAd..tHIs WeeK cAnt find tIME!!hAIZ!!!!maYb nExt wk....hMmMMzz..nEeD to fiNd pPL toO..maTh BiG tEsT tMl..dUnO wAd to stUrDi..jUz diE LaH..hAIz..fORgOT mUZ jIa YOu..MUZ fiNd thE MoOd bAck..LAggIn beHiNd LE..haIZ..kkZ..tinK i gonA pIa LaTEr LE..baIz.. ♥ 9:05 PM
Monday, August 18, 2003, hahahaz..sO LoNg neVer bLOg liaOz..tODAE sUddEnLy iN thE MOOd..u NoE y??cuZ tmL's thE gEog tESt..goT thIs zhuO fEng..aLwAes Like to BLoG whEn pRepARiN tEsts..anIwAe i finiShed rEadiN tHrOUGh le..dUno wAd to leArn..LiKe aLL bASeD on comMoN sensE??hAIz..aLwAeS Like tht..hOW tO gEt intO gEog stREaM??aNIwAE i dUn Even nOe If i wAna gEt iNtO tht sTreAm oR nOt..heheZ..hAIz..sLaCkiN thEse mNThS..hAVE TO JIA YOU..aLWaes sAe thIs bUt diN dO iT..i cAn go n dIe LiaOz??wILL tAkE a LOng tYm iF i tYpE oUt wAdeva haPpenEd fRm fRi sO i wiLl JUZ rEviEw..fRi wEnT tO Lib to sTURdI..sI wEi eNded uP maRlOOin hErSeLF wHen sHE wEnt HOme....hahahaz..LaTer sHE sAe i meAn aGaIn..sO dun wAna mEntioN iT..LoL..i jUz LuFf uNtiL sTomachAChe oNLi..thTS aLL..hahahahhahaz..thEn sAT haD cO..GUANYUE SEC 2 2003 ROX!!beNicE wAs thE oNLi sEc 4 hU cAme..LOL..sHe dIn heLp MuCh tHoUgh..LoL..stiLL rmbR i fLoPPed she stARtEd LufFIn..thEn i fLoPPed agAin cuZ i sAw hEr aND fElT lIKe Luffin..wE haD oUr fErZ dA zU..i hId bEhinD thE scORe ANd fELL aSLEEP wHiLE ttK wAs toKIn!!tinK thE eR hU pEoPLE sAw It..hEhEz..sO tiReD mAH..canT heLP It..and i fLoPpEd tWicE dUrIn thE sOLo..a LIL maRlOO aNd neRvoUs mAh so liKe tht LOr..yeAp..aNiwAe iTs OnLi thE sEc 2z so nvm..thEn sTayEd baCk to PLay baLL tHEn weNt fOr dinNer..thEn sUn thE uSUaL BorIn sundAe..wANTEd to StuRdi aT MAc thEn mEt KY tHErE sO stUrDi WItH hEr LOr..toOk 3 hRs to wRitE tht cRAP sPeeCh..aNd ITs cRaP LoR..thEn i wAs wORrYIn wAd gEorgE wiLl sAe wHEn shE sAe my spEeCh..tELL sO maNi oF My fRenz aND sEnIoRs..thEy aLL suPPorT but sAe gD LucK..u nOe wAd IT Means..hAIz..then tODAe..wE iT wAsn't tHE dAe to prEsENt tHE sPEecH..bUt I LeT hEr sEe mY sPEEch aniwAE wIf thE eXcuSE thaT mInE wAsn't PerSuaSivE eNuf..aND u NOe wAd..SHE HELPED ME MAKE IT WORSE LOR!!keWl mAnz..sHE din scoLd Me..sHe's LiKe thE discIPLiNe miStReSs aNd here i Am shOwiN her a SpeecH aBt condEmNIn sOme Of thE rIDicuLOuS scHoOl rUleS..aND shE hELP ME!!hahaz..i aM in LucK??aNiwAe iTs NoT baD nOW..qUitE sAtisfiEd..yeAp..thEn hAD cO todAe..thE chUN Mang rILLi very diffIcULT..AlMoz gIvE Up dun wAn to leArn..bLeAh..tHEn cAmE hOme to pIA gEog..tHen mY MUDDER DUN LET ME SLEEP LOR!!not fAiR..sHE sAe i sLEeP LaTer sLeeP LAtE aGAin..i dUn nAP aLso wiLl slp LAtE..wAds thE diFf..aNiwAe i fiNiShed My gEoG LiAoz..nOt Much coNfidEncE thOugh..hAiz..wOrSE tHIng my paReNtS evEr do To mE iS Not Let Me SLEEEP!!!!!aNiwAe..i sUrVivEd thE oRdeAl wIth a LIL sLP..slP secRetLY..bUt she cAuGht mE..haIz..wEnT fOR dInnEr..mANz..i gRowIn faT LOr..eAtin sO mUch..mY hANDs tURnIN Into dRuMstiCkS SoON..haiZ..gOTtA lOSE weIGht..dUn eAT..sIncE i aM broKE..TOTAL FATS!!haIZ..kZ tiNK LoNg eNuf LiAoz..eNuF oF My cRAp fOr thE MoMeNt..haPpI PIAIN EVERYONE!!GD LUCK!! ♥ 10:12 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2003, hahaZ..tHuRs LiaOz..sO fAsT a weEK gona past AgAIn..tYM pAssEs so fAsT wHEn U aRe sLaCkIN aRnd..daMn..wEd wAs dAmn siAn..haTe leSsOns oN wEd..sO BorIn ONe..tODAe LEssOns dAmN sLAcKy..I LIKe..tML's fRi..aRgHh..dOUBLe geOrGe anD doUBLe wAh chee..aHHHHHH!!!!dAe i hATe Moz In tHE wK!!eRmmmm..tOdAe haD thE tchr's dAe rEheArsAl..i fLoPpEd bIg tYm..aLL aS fAuLt..jOycE oSo..fLIp pAgE uNtiL..hahahaz...oK Lah..aFtEr tht it wAs aLriTe...thE gUitAr wAS NicE..yeAh..I LUV MRS VORA!!sHe's sO nIcE LOr..Let uS sLAcK uNtiL dUnO hOw LoR..anD shE gAvE uS thE hIgHeSt iN OUr LIt ProJecT..I LUV HER!!LOL..wE prAXeD tHE tChr's dAe pErfOrmAncE durin musIc And aFtEr sKooL..pLaY uNtiL i A LiL sIAn LiaOz..But i sO Lan..so haVe to prAc MorE..hAiZ..vEry scArEd stAGe fRiGHT..eVErythIn fLOp>_<..thEn musIc wE wAtCh thE sOrcEror's apprEnTicE..sO keWt!!bTh..eRmm..i PASSED MY MATHS!!so keWL Leh..i aM OnE oF tHe 17 hU pAss MaTH!!fEeL sO gD!!tHEn 18 oTHerS haD to gO fOr rEmedIal..so keWL Lor..wE wErE prActicIn thE peRformAnce aftEr skoOL..21 of uS i tiNk..thEn wHen thE rEmediAl tiMe..LEfT a Few OF Us OnLI..LOL..thEn wE pLayEd hANg maN aND sLAck arOuNd..dEn aiK sIONg mUthU anD dAniEL wErE imItATiN thE JAy'S yi fU zhI mINg the woMaN's paRt..MutHu tHE bEz Lah..LoL..dEn unTil aBt 3 tHen i aNd eun aND viv LeFt fOr pW..i wEnT fEr tuItiOn And eun aND viv sTay at mac And sTuRDi..sLept thRoUgh thE cLAss..hAiz..thEn wEnT to MeEt EuN aNd viV..aS uSuAl eun goT nUthIn dONe..eXcEpt jD's very VEry Late prEzziE..sPAs Lah..yeAh..so viv aNd Her jD eun me aLL aT mac sLAcKiN aWAy..stAyEd thErE tILL 6 pLuz 7 lIkE tht..thEn cAme bAck hOme..sHort aNd sWeet eNTRY toDAe..hehez..gOna do hw lIaoZ..bAiz.. ♥ 9:27 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2003, dEmORALiSiN dAE tODAe..yeSt HAd cO....norMaL Lah..sIan..We hE zOU untIL sIAn dIAo LiAOz..cAnt they give uS a neW sOnG..sO sIAn oNe..tHEn tODAE wE haD haLf dAe..bUt tAnx to thE siAn sIAn KoU Yu BiaO dA..iT dUn seeM a haLf dAe aT aLL..anD thE sUrvEy i pUt so mANi bAD cOmMeNTS..bUt I wAs Juz tELLiN wAd i tiNK??duN cAre LIaOz Lah..sO borIn OnE..cAnt stAnd iT..sAW the 'sOtOng'..hE sO keWt..i rILLi nEed to tiNk..hmmZz..wEnT oRcHaRd aFtEr tht cuZ LiNa WAntEd tO MeEt Her ***** sO wE wEnT thErE to sTuRdi..eND uP bUYiN cuTe cUte sTuFf ANd eAtiN LOr..sO wE did a BIT OF hw ANd weNt to woK wOk..tHen LInA hAd PRObz..tiNK sHe beTA sETtLe iT sOon..oR eLsE bOf wiLL suffEr..hAIz..tHen fLoppEd It LaH..tAnx to mE Lah..sHuLDn't bE sO Big MOUth..hAIZ..bLamE my stiNkIn mOUth..sPoILed everythIn..mY fAULT..bLeAh..aNiwAe iTs OVa..i cANt do anIthIn tO tuRn baCk tym..iF i cuLD i wULD haVE tuRnEd baCk tO a lONg LoNg tiME aNd cOrrEcT wAdeVa i rEgrEt dUiN..bUt WAd i aM i sAeIn thT fOR??i cANT!!..aRghh..dUnO LAh..So MaNI stuFf haPpEnIn aRnD mE theSe dAEz..i riLLi tiNkin tWicE aBt WAd i aM dUiN aNd wuLd bE duIn..haIz..mAYb i Juz MaDe a rAsh dEcIsioN aNd finaLLy rEaLisIn mY MistAkE aND tht It wUn BE toO latE to cHANgE it nOw??my oWn fAtE,mY LifE LieS iN MY oWn hAndS wAd..i hAve to mAKe my Own dEcIsiONs aND mAKe suRe ITS a gD aND wISE One..ListEnIn to jAy nOw..yUE tiNg yUe hAo tinG..i goT NutHIn to sAE lAH..tiNK i cHAnGiN..becUmIn cold BLoOdEd??keWL..cANt wAit..kZ go LiaOz..tMl sIAn sIAn dAe..goNA diE..dIe Of BorEdOm..hAIz.. ♥ 9:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2003, wAH so loNg neVEr BLoG LiaOz..anOthEr LOng entRy i gUeSs..hMmMmZz..dEprEssIn Mon I haD i rEaLisEd..LOl..waH cAnt bElIEve iT..i wAs dEpressEd tiLL thUrs..dEn duNO y..cHEerEd uP..LoL..tAnx to MY fReNZ mayb..yeAP..sO i wILL staRt fRm thurS..thUrS wENt tuItiOn so NutHIn much lAh..fRi hmMmMzz bZ dAe..wE haD naTs cElEbratiOn dEn afTer tht wENt OUt to orChaRd aND wOk wOk..cOngRaTS lina fOUNd hEr kEv..hE seeMs LiKe A nicE GUy..bUT sHE prEsEntly haViN ProB aBt hIM Now..sO LAlalala~..hOpE iT woRkS oUt=)..yeAp..we wok aRnd orchaRd wok untIL Leg sO paIn..thEn haD to cHeONg bAck hoME to cHANgE thEN cHEonG to skoOL fEr cO..so mA fAn haVe to WeaR sKOOL u..thEn oNLi uS sEc 2z wEre to MovE alL thE sTuff....sO nOt fAir LoR..wE weRE so sWeatY aND stiNky..nOt fAIr..dIn maKe thE sEc 1z do..lAz yr osO wE dO..hAIz..yeAH aND i LErnt to LighT a LiTEr!!keL tEach mE oNe..LOL..i am so paThEtiC..dUn evEN nOe hOW to LitE a LitEr..aniwAE wE wEre suPpOsE to ligHT thE cANdLEs BUt thE wiNd Was BLowIn sO strOnG wE diN..let thE sEnIorS haNdLE IT Lor..yeAh..thE bAnqueT wAs aLritE LAh..thE meeSIAm IS sO dAMn soUr..eEeEww..aNd PoOr beniCE hAd to tiNK OF wAYs to fiNiSh HEr [mountAin]..LoL..partLy mY fAUlT cUZ i gAve her thIs bIg scoOp of vegE cM gAve me wHen sHE wAntEd to tRy a Bit Of It..LoL..thEn i cAnt eAt proPeRLy cuZ shE wAs sITtIn oPp mE..nO aPpeTite..i Luff untiL cANort Eat..LOL..yeAp..dEn we wAtcHEd thE vIdEo..sO fUrni..wAtchIn tht 30 yrs recollecTiOn viDeO wAS LiKe wAtChIn ttK's haIr bALd..LOL..thEn keL aNd LeONg heNg wAs thE wAteR gaYz..sErvEd OnLi thE gy PPl I tiNk..yeAh..beNicE dRank a LOT anD very fASt..sHe pro lAh..aFtEr tht wE hAD to sInG thE HUI LiU..i sAnG thE Lala part onLi at thE fErZ aTtEmpt..cUZ sEniorS sAe i sAe cHIneSe very fURnI sO i duN wANa sInG sUre very fURnI One..then thE sEcOnd tYm i sANg..hahaz..nOT tht bAD..>_<..tHen wE toOK PicZ wif sEnIors..gOT a lOt oF cUte cUTe sEnIors..goT oNe rEd reD nOsE oNe VEry cUte anD a bOtAK One aLSo..wEnt hOme aRnd 11 PLuz..sO LatE..yeAp..dEn sAt..NATIONAL DAE!!kenA wokeN uP by sMS..bLEah..thEn eUn rAb anD viv cAmE my hoUsE to fiNish uP thE Lit neWspapEr..poOr uS..aLL 4 coms werE uSed..vivs gossip page damn LAmE..sO dArn fuRnI..fiNd OnE dAE i cOpy iT HErE..LoL..yeAh..we hAd musHrooM sOuP..i cooKed iT..tHEn wHILE eAtin vIV wAs tELLIn aBt HEr HamstEr Prob..haHa dunO shE worrYin ova her bF oR hAMstEr..sO fuRnI..tHen iN thE ENd sHe cALLed dY to aSK iF hE waNtEd thE haMstEr and enDeD uP sAEiN hE soUnDed LiKe HEr uNcLe..Lol..wE do until quite laTe..eun aND viv lEft fErZ cuZ goT cUrfEw thEn rAB aND ME staY uNtil 6 pLuz dEn hAd to WOK aLot cuZ thErE wAS rOaD BlOCk cuZ of naTs dAe..so haD to WoK a LOT..wE wENt fEr dInNEr dEn i toOk oNE and a HaLf hOur to cuM BAck..tRaffIC JAm..hAiz..tHen i tinK tink tINk tInk cuZ nUthIn betA to do maH..sO i dEcIded Not to give UP LoR..goNa JIa you instEaD..sTuPid mE..LoOkIN fEr tRoUBlE??thEn toDAe hAd LeSsOnS..thEn wEnt hOme to sLAck..pLayEd 21 roUnds oF sOLitaIre shOwdoWn wif LiNa..iN 3 hRS..so LAMe..so i din do ani work this weekend except the lit project..aND thE coNtEntS wErE dAMn LamE..yeAp..nuTHiN MucH haPpeNED toDAE lAh..sO sHaNt sAe MucH..eNtry LoNg EnUf LiaOZ..heheZ....kkZ..lAte LiaOZ..sLeePz..wAN ANzz=) ♥ 12:26 AM
Monday, August 04, 2003, hAIz..toDaE nUthIn spEciAL..CONGRATS 2G 2F aND 2A fER BEIN TOP 3 IN THE STORYTELLIN!!jUZ wAnAz sAE 2A 2003 ROX THE WORLD 4eVA KZ!!vEry tiRed....hAD cO tILL sO laTe..tHEn i sLePT fEr HAlF an hOuR thEN aWAkEn tO go sEe My cHiLdhoOd fReN..sHe So tALL!!!!10 cM tALLEr thAn ME!!hOw cAN thAT BE..aNiwAE..wE wEnT fEr DINNEr..tok aBT alL thE sTuFf AnD eVEryTHIN..tINK sHe's aTtAcHeD..LoL..jUz cAMe BacK..tiNk i BEtA sTuRdI BeTA..oR eLsE i cAN go n dIE tmL Le..haIz..iN thE MoOd tO sELf rEfLeCt tOdAE..hAve sTARtEd sIncE sAT..aFtEr cO..hAiZ..hAte thEsE sTuFf..aLL thE thInkIn aND eVErythIn..hEADaChE..bUt i NoE tAo Bi iSn'T thE riTe aNs LOR..haVe BEeN dUiN tht fEr 2 mNthS LiaOz..dUnO wAd i aM dUiN eIThEr..yeAp..so sELF rEfLeCtEd..tRouBLEd LAtELy..No MoOD fEr ANiThIn..bTw cOngRaTs to vIv fEr EARNiN sO much DuRiN thE wEeKEND..gD sTARt;)..juZ foUNd OUt wAd a Big jOKe OR fOOL i have BeeN..hAVe bEeN hElPiN sO mANi Of mY fRENZ..aNd noW aLL oF thEm hAvE PATCheD uP??haPpiLY eVEr aFtEr??eVeryoNe aRnD Me gEttIn aTtAtCHed??[oK i am eNvioUs sOmeTyms..sO wAD??]aND i eND up LoOKiN aT thEm beIn HAPpI aNd hErE i aM..finaLLy tiNKiN abT MYsELF..HaVe I hELpEd MYsELf??oNLi NoE hOw to hELp PpL dunO hOw to heLP mYsElf..bIg FoOL ARh..LosEr..bLeAH bLeAh bLeAh bLeAh..noW in such A SituATiOn aLmOz hOPeLEss lOr..din Do mUch fEr thE pAst fEw mntHS pRatIcALLy uSiN iT to heLP OthErS iNstEaD of mIsELF..and i tiNK hE wEnt OUt WIf oThEr gALs todAe..nOt sUrE....mIzZ thE cHAncE fEr eVERythIn..aND WheN i fiNaLLy deciDe to sIt doWn aND tiNK aBt MIsELF..thE BiggEsT pRoB aNd obsTaCle cAME..aND i praTicALLy havE No sOLUtiON To iT..aLL thE aDviCes aND eVErytHIN i gAvE LikE cUn bE apPLIeD..give PpL advICE dUnO HOw tO usE It On mYsELf..bUt at LEaSt thosE hELpED PpL=)..wAdaHeLL aM i duIn lOR..i haVe beEN mIssiN cHAncEs And eVerytHIn..aNd eNd UP dUiN nutHIn fEr MysELF..eNd Up SAd anD dEprEssEd..maRx dEprOvin At thE sAmE timE..parENtS din sAe anIthIn But I nOE tHey wErEn't happI wIf It..i aM not hapPi wIf It At aLL eIthEr..sO dIff FrOm thE bEgiNnin oF thE yR..sO mucH haD cHangEd..i wAs sO hAPpi ANd toT eVerythIn wAs pErfEcT..nOw i am dOwn iN thE dumPS..wIthouT a solUtiOn dUno wAds thE next stEP..aNd i dun hAVe much tYm..LiKe rUsHin agaiNsT tiMe aNd i dunO wAd to Do..so diff..evErytHiN's becumIn sO coNfuSIn..hU nOeZ..mAyB hE iS NoW aTtRacTed to soMeoNe aGaIn..mOz ProB??fOrgOttEn mE..fORgottEn tHaT I evEr eXisTEd..i aM Juz a tRanSpAReNt pIeCE Of pApeR rItE iN fROnT Of hIM..soMeTyMs i asK mysELF am i thAT baD??rILLi cAnOrT coMpaRe to OthErS meH??..aNd sOmetyms rILLi wIsh i wAs juz A RoBoT..nO fEeLiN..sO keWl somemOrE..tAke evEryTHin aS iT Is..wUn tht Be NicE??nO neEd to go thRougH sO mucH....imAgIne hOw hARd iT Is to jUz LooK aT a peRSoN aNd hAvE mIxED fEeLins whEthEr to coNtiNuE LiKIn oR dIsLikE hIM..aND aT tht mOmEnT u juZ geT sO confUsEd anD fRusTraTEd....juZ fEeL LiKe RuNnIN aWAy..But U cANt rUnaWAY ALwAes wAd..a dEcIsIOn haS to be maDE..whEthEr to JuZ give uP,sUffEr anD gEt oN wIf thE sucky lIfE i am Livin wIF oR cOntInUE aT thE sAMe tiME sUffEr AND tiNK uP Of WaYz to gEt HIM Back..sTiLL rMBr a fReN toLd Me..[dun givE up..u wAn hIm..go GEt hIM..]hAz..gAvE thIs AdVIcE to A LOT oF PPL..cUM to tiNK of IT..vEry PeI fU thEy alL..aT LEasT tHEy hEeD IT..wHerEaS I fiNd it sO haRd to hEeD..fEr OnE..bOF oF uS aRe lIke so sTuBbOrN..anD sI aI mIan zI..bOf dUn wAna givE iN..sOmeTYms i givE in..bUt iT JuZ rAisES hIs eGo Even MoRE..gEt WhaT i meAn..alwAEs eNd up sQuaBbLiN..gEttiN NuthIn dOnE iN thE eND..hAIz..riLLi dUnO wAd tO dO..a LIL sAd a LiL confUsEd aLiL LosT..mIxEd fEeLiNs LoR..wAd dO u cALL tht??..aND hE's LiKe Not ShUAi..aLthOugh soMetyms hE cHAngE haIrsTyLe nOt bAD..bUt dunO y i duN Like..aND his chArActEr sUx a LiL..maTurIty LevEl nO NEEd tO sAe..LiKe Moz dHs guyz Lah..nUthIn gD to SEe In..bLuntLy..my tAsTe sux A Lil..bUt WAd to do..sOmeTYms u NO nEed rEAsoNs to LiKe someOnE..bLeaHbLeAh..haIz..dUno LAh..mAyB he meAnT WAd he SAiD..mAyBe i rILLi sHuLdn'T LiKe hIm..mAyBe wHEn i sAiD thErE's NO WAY i wULd LiKe hIM..tHough I dUn MeAn iT..i shuLd hAvE meANt It..aT tYms..i jUz fEeL Like teLL hIm..i dUn wAn u to tReAt Me LIkE a PiecE Of tRaNSpaReNt PaPEr..dUn wAn u to tReAt ME JUZ Like pArt of a cRoWd..dUn wAn u to tReAT ME Juz LiKe a fReN..a siS..iS tht thE MoZ i cAn maKe ppL fEeL??i sO sHi bAi??sUch a faILuRE??aM i beIN tOo pOsSESsIvE??oVeRboarD??i DUNO!!..nOW i am LiKe soMe peStEry gOoNdU lIkE tht....dIn gIvE Up wHen he mOz prob lIke anothEr gaL LiAoz..aNd wIf no iDeA wAd to dO..tRiEd to give Up..bUt fAiLEd[lOsEr]..duNo wAd HE's tinKin too..rILLi MisS mY cOLd BLoODEd sELf..nO wORrIeS..y dO i end Up lIkE thT..y doEs LiKIn someoNe HurT SOoOo mUCh..y dO i hAVe to lIKe SOmEOnE??cAnt I Juz gEt ON wIf thE cArefReE rElAxin aNd fReE LIFE i cULD actuALLi LeAD??y MUz aLL thIs hAppEn To Me??sO luaN..evErythIn'S sO comPLIcAteD..sO unfAiR!!..hAIz..dUno wAd i am sAeiN..thIs enTry's gEtTiN sOoOo pErSonaL..fEeL LiKe dElEtin It And wRiTe sTh ElSE..bUt jUz fEeL liKe veNtIn IT Out soMeWherE..fEeL Like bUrStiN Out AnD PouR OuT aLl thE stuFf In Me anD thIs Is thE onLi pLaCE..fEel a lIL bEtA nOw..p/s..gD LuCk to thE meAsLy sheeEeP aNd pEEeEG..rILLi HoPe They wILL LAst..[aNoThEr coUPLe!!]aIYA..dUnO wAd tO sAe Le..Lyf SuX!! ♥ 11:02 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2003, sO tIRED!!wOkE up aT 7 tODAe..thEn tot ciP mEeT aT sKoOl sO wEnt skoOl thEn tHE yOUng kEL thEn sAe iTs aT cc so i HaD to ruSh thErE..LaTe Lah..bUt Hu cArEs..stiLL haVe to QueUe uP wAd..aFtEr tht sToOd in ThE sun fEr 3 hRs pLUz..pRatIcALLy rOaStin thErE..sOme Of the pPL vEry aP..fLaG dAe sO xing Ku oNe..afTEr Tht wEnt bAck..tHEn sTaY iN thE LiB tO coOL doWn fEr AwhILE..dEn weNt bAcK to skOOl to go fEr thE cHeNg jIaO yI shI..wE wEre 4 mIn EARLIER!!wAntEd to bE LAte actuALLi....dUnO y rEaCh eArLi..mEt bEnToh On thE wAy..hE dArn sPAs..aFtEr tht wEnT fEr cHEnG JiAo yI sHi..zhEn LaO shI wAs TOKiN aT fErz..wAh sIAn..hE fULl oF cRap i TiNk??rEmInD ME OF tAn wAh cHEe..aLL thE toPicS so sIMiLaR LoR..sO mAdE a LIL nOisE thErE wIf thE sEnIoRs..anD my sTuPiD dIScMaN nO baTt..i diN even uSe IT LOR anD so fAsT No BATt LiAOz..cANt HEaR jAy soNg..hAIz sAd..sO dIE Of bOrEdOm..wAs bZ dUIn bO LiaOZ sTuff..Den cHEnG JiaO LiaOZ..dEn HAd to sing SoMe chInEsE Song..iMaGiNe..CHINESE SONG lOR...aSk Me To sIng..mY chinEsE sO zou yINg..rEaD It OuT aLrEaDy so BaD Le..leT aloNg SIng LOR....so i ONLi sAnG thE LaLA paRt..LoL....aFtEr tht quIte LaTe LiAoz....wAs a LIl fRusTrAtEd..pLan evErytHiNg hAO hAo..dEn thIS dELaY..piSseD??..anIwAe i cAnt Be anGrY fEr LOng..LiKe 5 mIn the mOz??haIz thEn the intErNaL cHeng jiAo LiKe so SIan LiKe tht..oR MAyBE cuZ i No Mood Lah..wAna gEt OuT of thErE aSap..dUNo Lah..oR MayBe i wAs hUngRy..dIn eAT sincE MOrNiN..hAiz..yEAh..my ex Zz iS a Big toRtOiSE hU OnLI nOeS hOw to hIdE iN tHe cO rOoM wHen dEaTh cumS..Lalalalala~....tHeN sI wEi sO pRo..hAhaha..yeAh wE cHeOng to MY HousE to chANge And evEryThIn..mY dRessIn senSE cHAnGed..JUz nOtIcEd..so nOt Me..hMmZz..mayBe gona dRess lIke tht..sEe MY MoOd How fErz..kkZ..coNtiNUE..tHen chEoNG OUT go meeT sUe wEi dAn anD YaO zHeN..LonG tYm neVer sEe HIM LiAoz..met thE gUyZ BuT Have to wAiD fEr SuE wEi..actuALLi wAntEd to wAtch dAddY dAy cAre..But Like eVerywHerE wAS soLD Out??so we WeNT to wAtch hOW to dEAL wIf InsTEad..sPaS sHoW..aFtEr ThaT we wEnT hEeReN wOk wOk??acTuALLi wAntEd to go sOmEwHErE eLsE sO sAID GdbyE to thE gUyz..thEn MeT wiF thEm agAin..tHen wE sPLiT anD sAe gDbye agAin..tHen wE wEnt diNnEr duno whErE to Go..sO wEnT to JoIn thE GuYz aGAin..sO altOgEtHEr wE sAid gDbyE THRICE!!..LamE MAnz..bUdDEn dunO y..wHEn wE wENt to heerEn OnwArds..fEeL Very bAD ANd sAd..LiKe coMpLetELy No mOOd fEr anIthIn..maYbE cUz suddEnLy tiNk of sTuFf..hAIZ..yEaH dEn dAn dRopPed His wALLeT anD sI wEi pIcKed It uP..sO sInce hE diN cuM back to tAke It yEt..wE tooK Out His eZlINk cARd anD siwEi uSeD hEr PhONE to tAke A PIc oF His Pic..sO dARn fUrni..aFtEr tht thEY rILLi lEft thIs tYM..haHAz..dEn LeFt BoF Of Us sIttiN dOwn thErE cRAPPin and recUpeRaTiN aFtEr wokIn sO mucH..wENT hOmE aftEr tht..rEaChed hOmE aRnD 940 Like Tht??haIz..sO tIReD..tinK go lE..blOg AnoDer dAe..wAn aNzz** ♥ 10:34 PM
Friday, August 01, 2003, SIAN!!dAmn sIAn thEsE dAeZ..wEd goT shanGYiN..dNt slAcK thRougH IT..thEn toK abt rEbELLiN kIw..spaS mAnz..kIW riLLi vEry iNcOrrIgIbLE..sTuPid ruLeZ..thurS IS sLacKy dAe..aLl thE sLAck sLAcK pEriOdS aLL oN tht dAe..sO shuaNg..anD NO tAn wAH cHee..i hAd to sIT wIf thE fLoWer..eEEe..aLl ee PiN's fAuLT..this MoRnIn sAe i sIt wIf hEr i rILLi sIt wIf her..nExt tym aSK hIm to SAe i gona gEt fuLL maRx fEr My tEsT..LoL..lAme moOd toDAe..gOT gd nEwS aND BAd OnEz..baD iS..My cHi tEST..i PAssEd..bUt dAmn low..hAiZ..gD IS mY mATh nOt bAD..i had sO LiL cORRecTiOns i sPEnT thE eXtRa tImE LAmIn wIf EUn..tHEn teO kEeP oN LooKiN anD hE cAnt sCOLD cUZ i fiNiSH My cORrEcTiOns LiaoZ..LoL..tHEn i tOk baCk to tWc TOdaE..sO haPpi..fInaLLy cORrEctEd HEr..sHE scOld PpL aLSo pULL mE In..thEn i sAe untIL sHE goT nUtHIn to sAe..LoL mAlu..thEn aFtEr SKOoL we WeNt tO watCh MovIE..bUt diN wAtch..eNdEd up tAKin nEo pRiNt..anD thE cOsT iS equIvAlEnT to oNe mOviE ticKeT..bO LiaOz Lah..sTupiD.aFtEr tht aLL 3 oF uS wErE bRoke..sO vIV wENt wIf Her bf sincE wE nOt gOna hElP hEr wiF thE tEsT tUbEs LiAOz cuZ toO LaTe..sO lEfT mE aNd eun wE wEnT to eAt And fIniSh Up soMe hw thEn wEnT hOME..hAIz..so sAd..sOmeTiMeS tinK LiKe 5 oF US..sOoNeR Or LaTer gOna eNd Up wIf bOf Of Us LeFt wIf aLL thE sTuFf thts hApPenIn..nVm..cAmE hOmE aRnD 6 PlUz jUz iN tImE to wAtcH sPongEboB sQuaRePaNts..yEAh!!hMmMmZz..sO sIanZ noW..BlOg anOtHEr tYm..[cAnt hoLD uS dOWn]Luv ThE soNG!! ♥ 9:06 PM |