♥ attrapemoisitum'aimes. |
![]() Justine 15/04/89 KPO district 10 cuscaden naive two fat men the burger restaurant norwegian wood the vow the lovely bones everything's illuminated extremely loud and incredibly close we bought a zoo american pie: the reunion beetlejuice an education the great gatsby TAKEitALLout!!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003, sIan....dUnO y....aFTer thE 2 MnThs brEAk....fEeL [dEpRiveD] Of sth But i dUno Wad....stuPiD ME....leT gO LiAOz..sHuLd BE enJoYIn thE fReedoM NoW....fEeL LiKe sUch a fAILurE....eVErythInG i DO iS wRoNg....i cANT heLP in anItHiN...aLL i dO iS maKE thIngs wOrSe aND mAke MysElF aS wElL as The oThErS mISErAbLe...dAMN mE...sUch a peSt on eARTH...eXtRa aRh ME...occuPY sPaCE oN eArTh oNlI....a PoLLutAnT....pOLlutE PPL's LiVEs aS wELL aS spoIL iT..duNo y i haVE To LivE sUcH a FreAkIN LifE in thE fErZ PLaCE SIncE I aM Of No UsE....hU AM i to scoLD Tht sHOPkeEPER whEn I aM noNe thE betTER??mAyB I Am JuZ a sPOILT BRaT hU dEsERVES All THe BAD StUfFS All THe SeTbacKS....ThTS waD I Am HEre FoR...To AcCePt All The Ill FaTeS SeTbaCKS ANd BAd StUfF...I Am AlwAeS PlAYeD wIf...I AM NUtHiN BuT a tOY..aNd When i fINALLy got a feeLInG i aM dUiN sTh rITE.....sPLaSh!! a BucKeT oF cOLd wAtEr sPLaShEd On mE....hiNtiN mE to wAKe UP...hEy JustiNE u ARe dUIn thE wRoNg thIng aGAin....yeAH...i dId sTh wRoNg aGAin....i maDe thE sItUaTiOn wORsE....wAdsMorE...i mAdE PPL aNgRy JuZ cuZ Of mY [pLaYfuLNeSs] aT tht riTE moMeNt....aNd Tht wAs JuZ a ShOrt tErM [hApPiNeSs]....aFTer tht...i fEeL nUthIn aT aLL....bUt sOrrOwFuL aS wELL aS sOrRy....sAdNEss....tO stArT wIf iT...i dIn fEeL hAppI in tHE ferz PLacE....wAs tRoUBLiN oVa IT aND whEn sOmEONE aT LeAsT sHOw [cArE fOr Me]....i jUz aPpeAReD LiKe iTs NoT my pRoB anImorE aNd MaDe HiM fEeL sTuPID tht hE's stiLL bOthEred aBt It..bET hE's aNgry wIf Me....sEE??i sPoILt anoThEr peRSoN's dAe aS wELL aS minE....aM i RILLi tht SuCKY??sUcH a NicE frEn aNd i mAdE a foOL out oF hIm As wELL aS mIsELF....i rILLi dEsErvE tO dIE mAn....wAdSmOrE LAGGin iN wORk noW....tOk toO mUch cRAP....kEpT on tELLiN mIsELF "juSTinE cHu..u cUM hErE to sTuDy anD do hw noT to cRAP U Noe....u fEeL sATiSfIED craPpIn InsTEAd Of stuDyIn??wILL aLL thE cRAp bE tEstEd??aT thE eNd Of Yr wULD u dArE tELL uRsElF U hAve tRieD Ur BeZ??u HaVE stUrDiEd hARD??"NoNoNONO....aLL No....aNd SO wAD??i sTiLL enD Up cRAPPIn...WHY AM I SUCH A FAILURE??SO USELESS??..sEe??i aM stiLL cRApPIn ovA HErE...!!wAD AM I DUIN???i aM juZ ruNNin awAy..aNd thE fURthEr i rUN..tHe PRObs sTiLL fOlloW..wAdS thE poiNt??i stILL hAVe to fAcE iT iN thE eNd...haTE tHE frEAkIn LifE I aM LivIn iN...hATe MysELF....haTE wAd I aM dUIn...haTE My eXIsteNcE..HATE EVERYTHING ABT ME!!sO wAD??hU cArEZ.... ♥ 12:07 AM
Sunday, September 28, 2003, so pIsSED oFF TODAE!!!!![plS bE thE nOtEd tHt thIs eNtrY coNtAinS eXpLicIT conteNtS aND NeeD PaReNTaL gUiDAncE]STUPID MOH PENG WOMAN!!SPOIL MY MOOD....BEEEEEEECH ARH!!went to buy sOme sTuFf toDAe fRm tht gIfT sHOP iNsIDE mPh..thEn piCkEd The naME LiaOz thEn wANtEd The woMaN hElP ME mAKe..tHEn sHE ALL thE waY gIvE mE tht BuaY sOnG fACE....oK Lah..i dIn dU aNIthIn..thEn hEr coLLeguE...cAmE ovA aNd sAE tHIs tyPE oF fICkLe PPl nEed tO gIvE tyMoNE..wASTE tYM oNLi..tHEn i wAs so qi gEK..i dIn sAe anIthIn LaH....aCt I dIN heAr Lah....thEn aFTEr tht i paId aLrEady tht stuPiD Moh PeNg wOmaN gaVe me The cHAnge aND tHE thInGy I BougHT thEn sTaRtEd scoLdIn dUnO wAD dEn mEi Li mAo....i dIn heAR anIthIn iS si Wei tELL mE oNe..cUZ i wAs LisTEnin to soNg..thEn i wAs sOOOOo PIssEd Off lOr...Like fIrEwOrKs burStiN ABoVE Me LoR...fIRED!!!!AlMoZ sCoLdEd HeR BACK LOr...sTuPID wOMaN...fAcE gOT sO MAnI HoLes tHEn PuT uNtiL thE fOUNDaTiOn sO thIcK....sO wAD??NO USE!!stiLL cAN sEe tHE hOlEs...someMOrE not chIO...LoOK LiKe shIT...dEn Give mE thE bIttErgOurd FAcE....MEANIE!!fAcE Of a totAL toAD LOr...sTiLL sCoLD ME....thE LAsT tHInG i cOULD tAhAn iS PPL sCOLDIN ME!!dUn LiKe PPl to scoLD ME...tWC IS A gD eXamPLe....sOmeMOrE sCoLD mE fOr NutHIn..eVEn wORsE!!hOpE hEr fAcE geT dIsFigurEd....HOLEY FACE....sUch a BIg meANiE..nO wUndEr Last tYm thE sHOP kEePErs wErE fRenLy tHEn thEir shoP a lOT Of PPl especIALLy dURiN wEekendS....NOw bEcuM tHeSE fEw bEEchEs....thE shOP beCum sO iSoLaTEd.....stuPiD haGs....puRposElY wENt PasT tHEiR SHOP aND saID...aP sHOp....sO aNgRy aCt dun wAna dO anIthIn oNE LoR..dUnO y tOO aNgry..dID tht....pRePaRed to qUaRrEl anIwAe...noE i wILL wiN...cuZ i am nOt thE oNe in thE wRONG!!bUT dIn Lah...nExT tYm wOK pAsT mUz sAe LOUdER....meAnIe sHoP....nOw fEeL bEtA LiAoz....sCoLdeD the sHOp pLasTiC bAg and thRew iT awAy..sO fEeL LoTs bEtA LiaOz...LiKe thReW mY anGeR aWAy....yeAh MANz....hApPY gaL aGAIn=)....yeAh toDAe wENt to sTurDi aT thE Lib aFtEr My piaNO cLAss agAIn LOR..maDE sI wei wAid 3 hRs...hAiz...RILLI SORRIE gAL!!thIs tym is Not On PurPosE....OOoPX....LoL....yeAh ANd wE ATe 2 icE cReAms...i aTe thE BAnana aND strawberrY oNe..hAiZ dAmn mAnz...gona gRoW faT...nVm...i aM uNwANtEd anIWAE..sO hu cArEz...LoL....got ProBz thEsE dAez....buT tInK cAn mAnaGe It Lah..pUT it aSIdE sEttLE iT aftEr thE eXamS...yeAh... ♥ 7:17 PM
Friday, September 26, 2003, SIANSIANSIANSIANSIANSIANSIAN!!sOOoOO sIan....y sO LiL pPL oNLine LATeLy..aLL MuGgiN??hAIz..tht MeAns i hAvE to sTuRdI TOO...chAm...bLeAh..hU cArEs..sO tiReD..nO MooD for anIthIn..plAyed 2 HRs OF cBaLL oNLI..sOOoO tiRED...so hOT tODAe..hAIz..NO MOOD FOR ANITHIN!!tireD anD stRessEd UP..aLL OF thEm sTaRt sTuRdIN LiAOz..anD i am sTiLL sLAckiN awAy..hAiz..ok..i ADmIt mY fATe LiAOz..i gona Juz dIE In thiS eXam..aND gEt to thE MOz Lan cLAss Next Yr....aDmIt It..fAcE thE fAcT LiAoz....sO i wiLl stArt sLaCkIn anD fAILin..yeAh..sTuPiD ME....i aM sUch a fAiLuRE....no maTtEr wAd i dO i sTiLL enD up wIF NuThIn sO wAds thE PoiNt oF dUin??trUe PotEnTIaL fAiLuRE....!!sTuPiD....i aM stuPiD..bRAiNlesS....nOT My fAuLt rItE..LiKe i wAn LIkE tht..bEt anIOnE hUZ rEAdiN thiS wiLL tInK i haVin PmS OR eArLy mENOpaUsE..i AM NOT KZ!!bLEAH..wAdEva.. ♥ 8:41 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2003, hAIz sIAn!!so bOrEd thEsE dAEz..tIRed TOO..bEen To tHE liBrArY aLmOz EVErydAe..oR rAtHEr..EVERYDAE..sTuRdI untIL sO LATe sOmEmoRe..dAd a LIL PisSEd wif Me..wAd to dO..iTs tHE tYm OF thE yR aGAiN wAd..hAIz..HaTE exaMz..mAKe ME stuRdI sO muCh..I aM sOoOOOo BoRed....My LYf iS sOOoo BoRiNg....So siCk oF ThE neW sImPLe LiFE LE..aT ferZ tot OK..nOw gETTIn sIAn MAnz..muz fInd sTh NeW..nEed sTh nEw to MaKE mY LifE iNtErEsTiN aND..hahaz....cHAlLEnGiN..hMMmMzz..kkZ..i tOKin cRaP NoW..nUthIN to sAE LiaOZ LaH....nITEz.. ♥ 9:38 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2003, yEAh..todAe..i finIShed wORk..i sTuDIED!!sO haPpI..tHis weeKeNd..i stuRdiEd QUitE aLOT..mY aCcumULAtEd HW rEducEd By haLF!!so haPPi..iMaGiNe a slAcko LiKe mE..mY haPpinesS!!LOL..hMMmZz..yeAh..i gona be LiKe tht fRm NoW oNWaRds..tILL thE eNd Of eXamS..i wILL oNLi gO Mad aFteR eXams..Kz..my rESoLuTiOn..tML maYb goIn LIb to cHeonG..Mum thReAtEnEd me..sAe If I dUn geT gD MaRx..sHE wUn sPoNsOr mE to lEArN nEw sTuFf duriNG thE hoLs..sO uNfAir..i wAna LEARn thE angMoH fLute..thE guItaR..sI WEI ask mE to leArn GuitAr..wANa leARn tHE vIoLin ToO..WAna LeArN a lOttA sTuff!!then if hOLs borIn....nuthIn To dO mAyb aSK My fReNz tEAch mE to bOaRd....sO fUN!!LoL...mAyb OnLI..mAn i aM cRAPPIn..eXAms haVEN even stARt..sAdneSs..hMmMzZ..sIAn..dun wAna stuRdI at nItE..aNd No ONe wAn to pLAy gAmE wIf Me..LiFE IS sO borIN!!iMagInE LiBrArieS aFtEr sKOOl fOR thE next fEw wEeKs..patHEtIc..toTALLy sIAn..cAnT sTUrdI At hoME..sURe LIe dEAD on thE bEd..yeAh..tHis mOrnINg aSK LiNa to cum..sHe AlMOZ faNg wO mEN fEi Ji..sO meAn..sHE cAmE in thE eNd LAh..aFtEr 2 HRs..bEt ShE wAs cHoosIn clOthEs foR aT leasT 45Min LoR..tHt womaN..takE sO LoNg in thE ENd sHe cAmE in PonytAiLS..sO aCt cUTe..LoL..shE toOk iT OFf aFtEr tht anIwAE...cuZ we WerE coMmeNTiN nOn sToP..Lol..then sHe haD tht aH ma bag..aNd MiSmaTcHeD HEr clotHes..yest sHE oSO Like tht..dUnO wAds HEr PRob..LoL..kz sToP tokIn aBT HEr Liaoz..oh yeAh..tOdAe sI wEi HAd icEcrEAM cONE!!gREaT achIeVemEnt Huh..thEn i HAd to tAKE cAre OF KAyEe's BiG BiG wATermELon..LikE wOW!!wE wENT to kFc..haD to cARrY Tht Big wAteRmeLoN..tHEn wOK bAcK to mac tHEn wOk Up To tUItiOn cEntRe tO rEtURN thE Big BIg wAtErmELon..thErE wErE a fEw peArs tOO..LoL..eRmm..tht shuLd be aLL lAh..got NutHIn tO sAE LiaOZ....eRmMm..gD LUcK tO THoSe tAKin PReLImS??..Last WEEK LE..hANG oN!!LoL..LamE....>_<..bAiBaI!! ♥ 11:24 PM
, hahahaz>....sI wEi juZ rEmIndEd Me I sO Long nEvEr Blog LiaOz..i aM BorEd LoR...tODAe wEnT to mEEt HeR sHE wAs LatE fOR 43 MiN..Wow..yeAh..tHEn My bRo tAg aLonG..hoW nIcE~eeYer..anIwAe hE irritAtE US foR thE pAss 3 HRs..diN mANgE to fINiSH mUch hw wIf HiM aRnd..so did sI wEi..wEnT to piErcE eArs..sO fun Leh..goNa pieRcE morE nexT tYm..hehez..chAo sI wEi mAke ME so scArEd cUZ ShE yeLLEd LiKe shIT When shE piercEd..thEn i wAs sHivErIn wHEn i sAt On tHE cHAiR..LiKe dEAth cHair LiKe tht..anIwAe..IT wAs fiNe..thEn We wEnT to dO hW aGain aND aTE aT pastA mania....tHEn wE BOuGht thE eX eX icE cReAm and wOk wOk arnd and slack aRnd aFtEr staRdI-InG IN tHE dAe tImE..tHen sI wEI dRoPPed hEr icE cReAm..lEfT tHE cone..sO super furnI..sO i hAd icE cream cone..sHe HAd coNe LoR..sHe PAid $2.50 fOR tHE cONe lOr..tOO mUch mOnEy LoR sHE..yeAH..aFtEr tht wEnT homE aRND 830..sAw thiS gRp oF oL folkS liNe dAncINg..sO keWt..next tYm i wAna maRrY a gUy so enthu wHen hE gEt OLd toO....LiKe mR tEO!!so keWt..bUt dun wAN to maRrY HIM LAh..hahahaz...kkZ i aM crappIn..eRmMm..gOt nuT muCH to sAe todAe.. ♥ 12:49 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2003, hAhAz...yest tOO tIRED to bLoG..haD dInnEr untIL 12 plUz..LoL..tOdaE..sLAcKy tHuRs AGAIn..I DUN WAN THIS WEEK TO PASS SO FAST!!cuZ tht MeAns anOthEr weEk ANd thE eXamS aRe HeRE!!sO fAsT..I aM nOt rEady yEt..bLeAh..yeAh..nUthIN sPecIaL toDAe..thE usuaL rOUtinE..sO BorEd..hAiz..hAhAz..juZ rEcEiVE sOmE kEWl nEws..i wAs Like wOAH!!LoL..kZ..nUThiN to sAE LiAOz..i gOT LiKe aRt And LiT to dO NoW..sO cIAO!! My Ol mAn--GoOd chArLoTtE I don't know much about, too much of my old man I know he walked right out the door we never saw him again Last I heard he was at the bar doing himself in I know I got that same disease, I guess I got that from him This is the story of my old man Just like his father before him I'm telling you do anything you can So you don't end up just like them, like them Monday he woke up and hated life Drank until Wednesday and left his wife Thursday thru Saturday lost everything Woke up on Sunday miserable again I remember baseball games and working on the car He told me that he loved me and that I would go far showed me how to work hard and stick up for myself I wish he wasn't too hard to listen to himself This is the story of my old man Just like his father before him I'm telling you do anything you can So you don't end up just like them, like them Monday he woke up and hated life Drank until Wednesday and left his wife Thursday thru Saturday lost everything Woke up on Sunday miserable again Again...again... Someday he'll wish that he made things right (made things right) Long for his family and miss his wife (miss his wife) Remember the days he had everything (everything) Now he's alone and miserable again ♥ 8:40 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2003, hEY!!gD mOod todAe?!?!mAyb LAh..yeAh..aDdictEd to gOod cHarLoEttE's SongS noW..tAnx to thE 3 idIoTs sUe wEi si wEi and wEi jeAn..thEy keEP On sInGiN sInG uNtiL i LiKe LiAOz..cHAm mAnz..i LiKe thE anthEm aNd thE wUnderin..sOundS nicE..gOnA buY tHE cD tML..yEAh MaNz..tOdAe wEnt OUt wiF thEm tO LiB to sTuRdI aGain..hahAz..tHEn wEnt to mOs to eAT thEn sI wEI aND WEi JeAn sInGiNg thEn wE mAde sO mUch NoIsE tht Mos wAs eMpTy foR a mOmENt..thEn aFtEr sI WEi aND wEi jeAn wEnT tO toiLet..sUddenLY morE And mOrE pPL cAmE MOs...hahAz..yeAh aFtEr tht wEnT hoMe..wAtch TV..cHAm..i sTILL haVe Like 10 eNtRIes Of LIT to do LEh..so chAm..fORgoT aLL aBt iT..sUx MaNz..yEaH..eRmm..toMoLo sIAn..sUE wEi anD sI wEi gOT dUnO wAd stuFf..cAnOt gO oUt..dAMn ManZ!!no OnE to pEI wO..eUn aND rAb gOt Np sTuDy grp..hAiz..gOTtA gO hOme And sTuRdI..S-I-A-N!!LaTer gO fInD PpL to go wiF ME..heheZ..hMmmMzz..ListEniN to LP soNG nOw..NicE!!yeAh..toDAe sO BoRiN Lor..not MuCh to SAE aNIwAE....dUn wAna BE YOU...~!!dun wAnA BE JUz Like u!!LoL.. ♥ 8:23 PM
, wAh..i fEeL sUpeR LoUsY todAE..dUnO Y..LEssOns aRe sOOooo bOrIn..aNd I gOT TO nOe sOme stuFf i wAna Noe aT tHE sAme time dun wANa NOE..bleAh..dUnO wAd i aM tokIn..oH YEAh..mY [tAgbOArd] looKS SOoOO paThEtIc..eH u aLL heLP To makE livElier Leh!!....sO cHam ONE..yeAh LoUsY mooD NoW..fEeL LiKe thRowIn My LaPTOP aWAy..pLucKin OuT aLL thE phOne LineS..sHUTtIn mYsElF In MY sMaLL paTheTic rOom aNd iSoLATe mysELF....dunO y..LiKe NObOdy's LiStEnIn TO mE..fReNz OnLI wAn ME to undErStAnd thEm aND thEiR ProbS aNd nO ONe ListEns to mInE..i stART tokIn aBT iT aNd tHEy stART tokin aBt thEir pRoBs aNd aSKiN fOR hElp..cAnt Be BoThErEd to sAe aBt MINE liaOz..sO juz hAVE to LiStEn to thEm aNd gIve suggEsTionS..tHEy haPpI LOR..thEn i haVE to bOttLe up EVErythIn..dunO wAd to dO..anIwAE i sOrTa soLvE thE pRoB MysELF thIs tYm..Not INtEndIn to dU aNithIn LiAoz..sEe HoW It goEs..wAd haPpEns nExT anD gEt On wIf MY OL borIn LifE n LivE iN My owN hoPeLess n heLpLEss wOrLD..sUX wHEn tHis hApPens..jUz goTtA liVE wIth iT..yeAh..toDAe i wEnt LiB aFtEr sKoOl..sUe WeI tolD uS sHE NoT cumIN wiF Us sO wE wENt..tHen i diN rEPLy HEr mSg..tHen b4 wE wEnT to lib wE WeNT to top uP sI wEi's card..yeAh..sHe did thE tRAnsaCTiOn LiKe 5 tiMeS??cuz i wEnt to prEss cAncEL wHEn shE wAs aBt to key In HeR pasSwOrD..sHe VEry qi Gek wIf Me..hahahaz..sO wE ToOK liKe hALf an hoUr to toP Up thE cArd..dEn aFtEr sUe wEi LeSSOn sHE mSg thEn i cAlLEd n toLd hEr wE wErE stiLL aT tHE cAnteeN wAItiN foR her..sHE fElL foR It anD wAS qUItE shocKEd Lah..tHEn i tolD HER wE aRe sittiN in fRoNt OF stARbucKs coffEe HoUSe..thEn sHe wEnT [orhhh...dRiNk stALL aRh]..sO sPAs LoR...dIn gEt thE hInT we WeRe aT tHE LiB LiAOz..bLeAHz...tHEn wEnT dinNEr wIF sI WEI anD WEI JeAn..aLL thRougH OuT they weRe sInGiN sONGs alL thE wAY..vEry pAisEh..gOT JoIn In SoMeTiMeS lah..heheZ..yeAh..aFtEr dInNeR aT mos..we WEnT hOmE lAh..cuZ i aND wj wANTEd to wAtch HOLlaNd V..todAe's ePiSOdE vEry nicE And SWeeT!!..yeAh..thts aBt aLL lah..juz fiNisHed sturdiINg 4 scIEncE tEst tML..LiKe NUthIn mUch to stuRdi a BiT wORriEd..sO LiL sTuFf..anIwAe sO laTE LiaOz..gOttA sLP..gD LucK to u aLL aND to mE!!=) ♥ 12:27 AM
Monday, September 15, 2003, ![]() Apollo ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla dAmN..i AM bacK fRm cLEmENtI..goT Lost JuZ nOw..tooK this quIz..hahaz..i Am nEeDed wHen iN cRisIs..hahaz..cAN u beLiEve iT??i oWAes nEed sOmeoNe iN tYM of cRiSIs anD thIs quizzES crApPin..LoL..riLLi HoPE chI Kao cHA nOt tmL..i gonA dIE hAven toUCh yEt..bLeAH..cYAz aLL!! ♥ 12:09 AM
Sunday, September 14, 2003, I aM SOOOOOO BORED!!!!!i fiNiShEd aLL tht nEeDs to bE haNdeD iN tML liAOZ!!yeAH..wANa sLAcK...i aM soOOOOO bOrEd!!bLeAH..nEed to go clEmEnTI LAtEr..dUnO hOw Long IT wiLL tAKe to gEt thErE..dAMN!!nVm..thE mOZ gEt loSt lOr..nOt LikE i NeVer did b4 LIKe thT..LoL..yeAh..tML HoLs ovA..dAmN!!gOttA seE pPL i dUn wANa SeE aGAIn..wAd sHiT LoR..i AM SOOOOO boRED nOW!!SOOOO bOrED..4 timEs LIaoZ..kkZ bEtA stop iT..rOTtIn aWAy at HoMe..cObwEbs gRoWIn..LIMbS stiffEnin..hAIz..LIFe'S sO boRinG..tOdAe's SUnDAE!!i aM supPoSE tO BE chEoNgiNg hW!!aNd i fIniSh LiAoz..dAMn..tinKiN Of wAd to dO nOW..hmMMmZz..bLOg LaTEr..oH yEAh..prEsIdENt stAR chARItY tODAe..mUz sUppORt..oNE dAe u aLL gET sOmE kIdNeY pRoBs oR wAd..choy..IF lah..tHeN Oso neED supPORt LIkE thEse pOoR PpL..sO sUpPoRt wHILe u cAN..wEi WO dIAn zhAn dEnG..jIang wO xiNG zhAO LIANg~..LoL..cRApZ..kZ..bLOg LATER~!! ♥ 5:35 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2003, ChAM cHam cHam cHAm LaH..i gOT sOOoO mUcH hW lEfT..eVEn aIk sIoNG SaE gD LuCk..sO cHam..i jUz fIniShEd rEvisIn 2 chPt of sciEncE oNLi..and i hAVe oNe dAe LeFT..cHAM!!hAIz..tML gOnA go airpOrt do hW..pRO Me..gOna piA liKE hELL..cHAm..so heLpLeSs..tMl moZ pRob stuRDi aLonE sOMemORE..sIAn mAnZ!!gOT nutHIn to sAe toDAE Lah..did sTuRDi LAh..qUitE a LOt..soOo broke nOw..blEAh..lalalalaz..kZ gO Pia lE..[slPiN wIf ThE litE oN--bUsTEd] ♥ 9:03 PM
Friday, September 12, 2003, tHiS wiLl BE thE fInaL nEw LOok i am givIn maYb foR thE yR!!nICE??feeDbAck Leh..LoL..jKjK..kZ..toDAe wEnT fOr mAth lEsSOn..cHEck paPErS..tEO sO kEwT!!Luv hIM mAnz..yeAH aFtEr tht wEnT to eAt at mOs..sTAYeD thErE fOR qUItE Long wIF sI wEI sUe WeI aNd wEi JeAn..mALu mANz..wEi jeAn lUff so LOuD..foRgOT tokIn aBt wAd..thEn everyOnE LooK aT uS..aFtEr tht....wEnT woK wOk LoR..bOuGhT thE stAcIE ORrIcO cD LOr..NicE!!i wANa bUy wOk LEFT wOk rItE cD tmL..yeAh..eRmm..paRENtS jUz WeNT meLBOUrNE..sO paREntLess aGain..uSeD To It LiAoz aniWaE..yeAp..noT MUcH tOdAe LAH..sIan sIAn oNe LoR..tML goIn LIb To coNtiNUe My study cAmP..sO cHAm..rILli hAtE stuRdI Ing..mUz LoOK foR MorE pPL to StUrDi wIf Me..oR eLSE so sIAn owAes sTuRdi wIf thE usUaL ppL..hAIz..yeAh..thtS aLL..lIstEnIn mORE to LifE nOw..NicE..lUv It sOoOooO mUcH..oH yEAh..sO dEAd nOW..dAd dIn gIvE mE mY aLlOwANcE foR thE neXt fEW dAeZ..sO BrokE..cAnT gEt fRm HiM sInCE he ShULd BE At meLbOuRNe noW..cHAM!!sO bRoKe lOr..eAt Wind foR thE next fEw dAeZ LoR..tHTs aLL todAE!!=).. ♥ 9:03 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2003, hahaz..tODAe eArlI iN thE moRnIn wEnT maC to mEeT suE wEi anD sI weI tO do aLL thE papeRS..yeAp..tHen i aTe tWo bReaKfAst meAls..mAn tURniN iNtO a BIg BabOoN..tHEn wE wEnT to skoOl to tEll mr tEO i goIn mATh tML iNstEad maInLy cUz i did thE wRoNg yR papEr..bLeAH..so wE dID hW aT MY hOUsE baLcony..thE fuRnI sTuFf wHicH happENed thErE..cHEck oUt sUE wEi's blOg oR si WEI's oNe..thEn i wAntEd to go tuItiON..tHEn wE sIAn AnD Bo LiaOz..dEcIdEd to tAke a LongEr rOUtE tHErE..sO wE tooK LOR..eNd up MiSsin thE stoP so wE eNdEd uP at thE sErAnGOoN buz intErcHAngE thErE i tiNk..coMPLetelY losT..sO wE stooD iN fRONT oF thE maP luffIN NoN stoP..LiKe sOMe maD gOondUz..afTEr tht woK ovA to thE mRt stATiON anD toOK thE mRt thErE..yeAp..cHAnGed 3 mRtS LOR..eRmm..yeAh..tHen si WEI wAs LiKe"hey tht GuY LOoKs liKe yAn zhANG..so shUAi.."tHEn wE tuRn aRnD aND told HeR 'thtS yAnzhAng LAh bodoH"..LOl..yeAh..sO wE toOk to bEdok And wEnt maRinePArAdE..sUe wEi wEnt homE..heR fAtHEr MAkIn NoIsE aftEr wasTiN so mUch tYm..sO..wE toOK 1 and a haLf HoUr to go to mariNe paRAdE fRm MY HouSe..Long IndEed...LOL..oK....sEe suE wEI anD si wEI's bLog....tHEy scoLdiN Me lIke shIt LiAoz...sORRI!!..LoL..thEn wEnT to eaT [reunion dinner] aFTer woKin aRnd wIf sI WEI aT Mp..yeAp cHAnGed mY bACkgRouNd todAE..aCt gOT a NicEr oNE..bUT cAnt fiT iN..lAn..anIwAE thIs iS nIcE..LiKe fiRe..keWL..=)..haiZ..anOtHer zhOnG qIU yE toNiTe..nOw dEn i rEALIsE oNE yR pASt so fAsT..rEmiNd mE oF LAsT zHoNg qiU..sO nIcE..anIwAE..HAPPY ZHONG QIU JIE EVERYONE!!stAy hAppY aLWAEs!!.... ♥ 11:15 PM
, haIZ sO sIaN....the hoLs aRe HERE!! aNd i aM sOooO BorEd...i haVen toUcH a sInGlE hw eXcEpt 3/4 oF maTh lEH..so cHAm..sTiLL goT sO MuCh LefT to dO...basicALLy haD cO thE paSt fEw DAeZ..yeAP..sIAn..toDAe pLay cBaLL aFtEr cO pK bRoKe hIs haNd..pOoR thInG..cAnOrT PlAy dRuM LiAoz..thoU dunO hIM wELL..sTiLl sAe..gEt weLL sOON!!..hMmMmZz..weNt wIf maC wIf si wei afTEr tht..yeAp..LiKe tht LoR..sO sIAn NoW..nO mOOd to do hW..cHam lAh..oh yeAh..sTiLL wOrrYiN foR tmL..tWo gona kILL mE foR suRE LoR..bLeAh..hmmMmMmzz..i dun tiNk i got anIthIn Much to SAe..nOt MuCh thInGs happeNEd thEsE dAez lAh..LifE sUx..i Wana wAtcH wOk LefT And Wok riTE LEH!!nO tYm..dAmN..sO unfEeLIn thEsE dAeZ..LiKe onE bIg BLock oF IcE liKE tht..cAn go n dIE LiaOz lAh..i sUck mANz..haIz..sO zi bEi..tML mEeTin suE wEi anD sI wEI aT maC to stuRdI..HoPe wE riLLi sTurdI thIs tyM!!jIa yOu..kZ..cAnt cRAp aNiMoRE LE..sOOOOOOOO tIrEd..XIAO XIN SO KEWT AND SHUAI!!LOL..oH yEAh..did a fEw stupiD tEstS toO..LoL ![]() What's Your Personality?Find out! ![]() Which Holiday are YOU? Find out @ RelentlessDivas.Net! a href="http://www.relentlessdivas.net" target="new"> ![]() Which Kid's TV Character are You?Find out! ♥ 12:44 AM
Monday, September 01, 2003, goNa Be A WEeK haVen bLoG lE..mIss mE??LOL..nO PoINt sUMmaRiSin wAd haPPeN pAst feW dAEz..tOO LoNg..LaZy to sAE Oso..tMl gOT cHI aND gEog tEsT..goNa DiE>.hAVeN tOuCh..stiLL gOT maTh aND aRt..wAD sHiT aM i duIn..tOTALLy PISsEd Off NOW..bY SOMe bIg Idiot HU tiNKS hE iS sOOo sHUaI but aCt LoOKs LiKe ShIt[oK LaH..aVerAgE]..aCt sOOOO dAo someMoRe..i cANT sTAnD IT..!!cAnT sTAnD thIs tYpE Of PPl..cAnT stAnD thIS tYPE Of PPl..aND i cAnT sTAnD Him!! #$%^&*(*&^%&*(&^%..wAD a suCkER..haTe PPL hU dO thIs tO Me..sOmemOrE fEw dAEz b4 sTILL so ap..AP!!blEah..HaTe hIm HATe HiM HATe Him HATE HIM!!!!!!!HE'S TOTALLY CONDEMNED!!DUN WANA SEE HiM sTuPId IDIOTIC fACE..DUN WANA HEAR HIS cRoW LIKe voIcE..sEe HiM I wANA PUNch hIM aND PuKE!!tOTALLY SUCKY..tOTAL SUCKER..TOTAL HYPOCRITICAL!!bLeAh..i No eNErgY Le..fEel mUch beTA nOW..aM i angry enUf??aNiwAE goT moOd to sTuRdI nOw aLreADy..stoP BLoggIn..bAiBaI!!bLoG nExt MoNtH!![hahahahaz..jkjK] ♥ 11:01 PM |