

pasta inc.
district 10
auntie anne's
two fat men
the burger restaurant
norwegian wood
away we go
the notebook
the vow
the lovely bones
everything's illuminated
extremely loud and incredibly close
we bought a zoo
american pie: the reunion
an education
the great gatsby
perks of being a wallflower


coming soon.

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Designer: Corissa
Basecodes: xavqior and Stac'ey

Thursday, January 29, 2004, long never blog liaoz...tot i'd drop by and crap a lil...Lol...sun had party...too tired to blog..mon had skool celebration den we went out...after co....cuz sadly there was co tht dae..on a half dAE!!can u imagine how cham tht was...then tues..where did i go..lemme think..oh yeah..tuesdae..i went the mac at kallang mrt and sturdied there...met chenlu and her bandmates..then si wei went to check out her bra pattern cuz the laz tym we went out together...she was wearing a polka dotted one and she was kinda proud of was plain on tuesdae...WOW...Lol...then on wed which was yest...i went shangyin after lessons...zulikhan din cum for lessons again...cuz she had to do some bball duty....the laz tym she had mc...and she wuld not be here next wed too..cuz of bball duty too..tink she can go be the bball liaoz...yeah...she's leaving soon...2 more wks i tink....and we haven rilli learned much yet..cuz all together...she ponning 6 periods of combined humans is so dead...tank god i took two humans...yeah...after shang yin i went to meet si sturdi as usual...feel so hardworkin these daez..yeah man...i muz cheong...cheong cheong cheong~...then todae..i muz sae..I LUV MS GOH!!..she's so furni and small and puny...oh kewt...she pronounced zero as [jiro] kewt...I Luv CHEM~!!LoL...thEn after skool...wandered arnd skool a bit...then went to sturdi again at mos....wif rababa pat and karen and lydia hu joined us for awhile...den after tht went home...tml's 2A class reunion...cant waid...yeah man..2A'03 rAWKZ!!!so does 3g'04!!loL...bTw...3g won 3rd in the mascot com!!!!!wooHOO~!!!!CONGRATULaTIONS 3G!!!rAwk on~!!Lol...kiEz EnUf cRAp...tAz....

10:39 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2004,

haRpi nEu yR!!!second dae of new yr...and i haven touch my chi and chem test on tues..soo dead...i haven started sturdin yet...hai hai hai...chamz...and wif the suky tchrs i got...i am in deep shit...aniwae..yest went to visit duh..thts wad u are suppose to do oso the same thing..i am so sick of eatin the same food consecutively two daez thou..gettin fat oso..cham cham chamz..tml goin coach's house...den to senior's house..tirin and sian dae ahead i guess?...tht shuld be all for todae..oh cousins are rilli kewt..all so small and furni all..hahahaz...HAPPY CHINESE NEW YR~!!!

1:49 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2004,

10 dAeZ sInce i BlOggEd...quITe a LoT To sAe...LoL...oKieZ..wHeRe sHuLd i sTArT...i JuZ rEaLiSEd aLL My tEaChers aRe dArn keWT...LoL...mS goh pRounouncEd internet as [internate]..and a lot of other fURnI PRonounciaTiOn..seriOusly..hEr sPeakIN cRaCks u up...then hElMi...iTs aLL staTEd in mIn yu'S bLoG...veRy fURni....thEn jUz wAna aDd tht..he wAs cuTtiN thE transpaReNcY IN oUr cLAss aNd smiLin tO hImsElF...loL...
tOdAe---haD haLf dAe!!!wOohOOoO...wEnT to viSit Ms sWee..aCtuaLLi dUn wAna go onE...dEn dAn wAs KindA PissEd...sO haD To go lOr..oR eLsE hE goNa chOP mE up IntO piecEs...*gulp*...then wE aCTuaLLi waNted to wok to kfC AnD eAt...tHEn mE aND NaT reaLised wE wErEn't huNgRy...sO wE wEnT BaCk to skOol and sIt aRnD...thEn aftEr awhILe..wEnT to mEeT tHE rEz...thEN wE wEnT to visIt ms sWee..thE baBy So dArn KewT...fEel LiKe BoXiN hiS chEeKs....2 mnThS...Lol..sO keWT Lo...yeAh..tHen wE chIt chaTtEd ThErE loR....aLL oF Us chAnGED a LOt a LoT ALOt....some foR thE beTa sOme fOR thE wORsE...aFtEr tht i wEnT to eAt maC aT KaLlaNg mRt wif naT...thEn was dEcIdIn to go meET Lina anD SY aT aIr pORt oR go meEt rAbaba thEy ALL...dEcided to go aIrporT...bUdden LINa felt LiKe goin HoMe to slp..thEn aiRpoRt so fAr aND sO LAtE liaOz..sO i din go..wEnT to JoiN rabABa tHEy AlL insTeAd lor...yeAh...tHen wE wOk wOk aRnD...tHEn weNt hOmE...biTz Bo LiaOz..LoL...tHen went FoR rEuNioN dInNeR...unTiL 12 pLuZ...lOl...sLaCkiN awAy NoW...
yEsTErDAe---iT's neW Yr's eVE Eve..LoL...wAd dId i dO aRh..oh yeAH...i wEnT shoPpIn FoR a PaIR Of shOeS aND baGs WIf euNicE...LoL...sO gAo xIAo..thEn wE wErE prAticALly LamIn stuPiD..LoL...thEn LuffiN LuffiN aLL the wAy...wEnT HER housE aFtEr tht cuZ haD to wAiD fOR My PaReNtS...aFtEr tht i wENT oRcHArD To shOP wIf My paRENtS...BleAh....dAmN tiRiN aND sIAn...yeAh..thts aLL...
sUddEnLy i NoT in thE mOOd To bLoG...LoL..yEAh...sO eND Of Blog toDAe...LoL...sHorT aND sWeeT...wOohOo...yeAh..LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!wISH EVERYONE A HARPI CHEENA NIU EAR~!!!!

1:47 AM

Monday, January 12, 2004,

heyyyy...soooo long never blog liaoz..actualli todae i am not in the mood..but there's seem to be nuthin for me to do....cuz i in no mood to do anithin..haiz...tink u all muz be tinkin i pms lah...juz no mood lor....hmmmzzz..haven been bloggin the past 12 daez..shuld i briefly summarise???yeAh i tiNk mayb i shuld...juz summarise for the past few daez...not all...mayb 3??then if bo liaoz then i add here goes...
TODAE--went to skool...duh...damn slack....all the lessons are gd...and fun...cuz there's no lian han bald man...and zulikhan for onli one period...and we had lab lessons...fiona's my lab duh we are prepared to after tht had to rush home to get my flutes....cuz i forgot...todae i forgot lots of stuff...i forgot to bring my homework bk to the lab oso..suckiness...and i forgot to bring calculator....and i forgot my flutes....i put it as reminder somemore and i forgot....damn me...shuld be nuthin else forgotten le ba...after co...i went to do hw wif si wei..finally my compo draft's done after two daez of work..its a bit crappy..but to fill up 1000 words...cant help it...and the draft's "a bitz" messy....hehez...nice dae todae..but i cant help feelin sad...dun rilli noe y oso...yeah..thts it for todae....
11th--woke up earli...then went to meet si wei..i was earli for once...kewl...then i bought a white top and a purple skirt for new yr...very nice...mum pay lah of coz...then after tht i went for my piano wei waited for me...isn't she nice??? i am drunk juz at tht moment to be tokin cock..LOL...yeah after tht we went bk to do hw lor....then met my [ah gong] and his gerfren..hahahaz..he so paiseh he went to the other corner to sturdi...dingdong...have gerfren tht paiseh meh....-_-"" the end we went pass him and went to ka chiao him lah..cuz it was along the way mah..then after tht we went to meet a senior and played pool....FERZ TYM!!!...kewl...ok i was lan..but cant help it rite..ferz time mah..played till 8 pluz....then went home lor...nuhbad dae lah....
10th--hmmmzzz..woke up quite late todae...then went to clementi to meet the others for track trng...then we went to turf city for trng...had to train for x country cuz the wingz com's this cumin sat...and guess wad...we onli have 2 trngs to get ready and be prepared...wowee...i lost my stamina...after 3 mnths of no running..duh i lost my stamina...but i still managed to finish abt 8km...not at one go lah..we split it...yeah..i wok a bit...very tiring lah..somemore i sick..then run a bit cough cough some sick psycho still wana run...then it started to drizzle..wah..god is on my side...had to run in the rain...kns...then we had mac..and the stupid lazy forgot to give me the change and i onli realised it the next gay,...i got cheated 5 bux...stupid lady...hope mac fire her...-_-""..i am evil..kiez kiez..mayb not tht bad...hope i struck lottery or sth and get my 5 buckz bac....after mac went back home lor...din manage to go dyb concert...too tired...lucky i din buy the ticket...vincent was sooo persuasive....tired dae....vEry sick...
9th--last dae of the ferz week of skool....stayed back to play ball..actualli wanted to meet si wei to sturdi..then we tot she din receive the msg and continued playing...then onli abt one hr later after the tym we were supposed to meet did we realise she was at the place felt very guilty and it was gettin we had to go and meet arnd 5 pluz 6 lidat then sturdi till 8 pluz 9...haiz...aniwae....durin the dae...we played cball wif some juniors...felt so gd to split into upper sec and lower sec and WE ARE THE UPPER SECS...hahahaz...laz yr we were the lower sec..then the track trial was goin on..some of them was rilli gd..and there was these two cute was joseph and the other jenevive or sth...hope i spelled her name rite...bof of them very kewt...very tiny and jenevive had tht accent when she was speakin...and joseph was this small puny lil boy...but very active and sporty and enthu..very kewt..look like pri 2 student..felt soo old at tht moment....durin the trials...then after tht played a bit of bball wif the different balls....and wif a mix crowd..act it was onli a few of us...eun me rababa shi hui pat and i forgot..then duno y more ppl came n i duno hu liaoz...yeah...but i kinda enjoyed playin lah...then after tht went to join shi hui pat rababa they all to play soccer..i din kick ani ball lah...due to some terrible nitemares i had...the laz tym i played wif them...they kicked me not the goal...bad ppl...oh yeah...den a few of my seniors came back to play joshua and i duno the other 2 or 1.....yeah..glad dey came back..long tym since i saw them....if they din cum back i may have forgotten them a tired dae todae...and i forgot to sae...i ate 3 papayas todae..papayas are great for the throat...sick sick sick..all rababa's fault... here was wad i did the laz 3 daez....dun feel like saein the other daez....will sian diao...oh yeah..did i mention i am goin to change my room?!?!?...gona move to another one twice the size of my room..woohoo...bros gettin my room...finally a bigger room...tanx to my tinks i owaes bring frenz home and the room is too i movin to a bigger one..yeah..can new furniture....a small tv perhaps....a new RADIO...and mayb new tables and chairs and SOFAS..yeah..i gettin sofa no bed..kewl...yeah..tht shuld be all....tatazzzz~!!
oh yeah...b4 i's a nice song...its called [love me]...

I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-five
Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me.
He said, Boy, you might not understand, but a long long time ago.
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I loved your Grandma so.

We had this crazy plan to meet, and run away together.
Get married in the first town we came to and live forever.
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet instead.
I found this letter, and this is what it said.

If you get there before I do.
Don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darlin wait and see
Cause between now and then, till I see you again
I'll be lovin you
Love, Me.

I read these words just hours before, my grandma passed away.
In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to pray.
I know I'd never seen him cry, in all my fifteen years,
But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.


Cause between now and then
Till I see you again
I'll be lovin you,
Love, Me

10:36 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2004,

HAPPY NEU YEAR EVERYONE!!!!HARPI NiU EAr...thtS In AfRicAn...LOl...wOoHoO...2004...SO fAZ maN...bUdDEn KIndA goT a baD fEeLiN bouT thIs yeAr...dunO wAdS riLLi iN sToRe foR mE...pRePaREd To DIE...cUz ITs bounD To Be THe bad STuFf...haIz...kIeZ BrIef sumMARy oF wAd haPpEneD thE pAsT fEw dAeZ...
TODAE--heRe I aM sLAckin aRnD wIf a JiaN bao aNd HlM dU sHu bAo gAo UndOne...wOw...yeAh...rOTtIn aT hOMe...wIF cObwEbS gRoWin aRnd...nO mOOD To gO oUT yeT...haIz...mAiNLy cUz i aM BROKE...wAd cAn U Do withOuT MoNEy eXcEPt tO do hW rItE??sIaN nEw yEAr...bLeaH...nO MoOd To go sKoOL tML...i gOt aNtI-ouTsiDE PhoBia..cAnT gO sKoOL...whahahaz..stuPiD rEASOn...sIan sIAn sIaN...
31st--wEnT 4 thE sTuPid Co oRieNtaTiOn rEheArsal..fOr LiKe...1 and a half houR???then afTEr Tht wenT tO do hW wiF Si wEi aND ToNg...aFtER tht meT Lina aND wENt HomE...aFtEr Tht wEnt to meEt doN aNd sI wEi then wE wEnT fOR dInNeR thEn wEnT to eSpLanaDe ANd cOUNtdOwn..tHE fIREwOrKs dAmN nIcE...eSpEcIaLLy dOsE In the WAtEr...LucKy dIn wEnt to mEeT dAn tHEy aLL...wuLd haVe MissEd aLL thIs...LOL...yeAh..esplaNaDE tHErE dAmn cRoWdED...tHE 3rd aNd 4tH sToreY wAs cLosEd...sTuPiD..wUnDEr HoW thE PpL SnEaKED Up To ThE rOofToP...alMOz SuFfOCAteD dOwn dErE..sO mAnI Ppl..thEn sO HoT..aLL thE ppL so sTiNKy...thEn aftER tht wE went to gET a dRinK aND Sat aRnD...tHEn In thE ENd...thErE wErE nO BuSeS NoR tRaIns fOR uS To tAkE..sO mY dAd fETcHeD aLL of us hoME....yeAh..rEacheD Home aT aNrd 2 PLUz 3aM LiDAT...dAmN tIREd....fiNaLLy SlEPt at 4aM....
30th--wAs On The aERopLaNe SlPIn..i dUnO wAd HapPeNEd...tHE caPtAiN wAs sPAs....aND thE anNoUncMeNTS wErE IRrITaTiN...aNd thEir nintEndO gAmeS sPoiLt..bOrin Me ouT...
29th--wAs On The AErOPlaNe...16 hRs DiFf...sO thE TyM a BiT dIfF...bUt nonetheLeSs...wOkE UP eArLI aNd weNt to thE aIRpoRT to tAkE The aEroplaNe...stoPpEd OVa aT jaPaN..tHeN thErE wAs thIs guy hU haD JaY ChOu's fAce hU wAs oN thE sAme pLaNE aS Me...hE wAs A LiL sHorT thOu...bUT keWL....aND sEh...[it meAnS thE sAmE RitE??]
28th--wEnT shoPpiN aT beVERLy HiLls..tHIngS deRE daMN eX...bUT aLL tHE dEsIgNs wErE The LaTEst..thtS keWL..anD waSn't rIlLi rEleAsEd heRe yeT...then wenT to visIt My dAd's fReN aGAIN foR dinnER..cAMe HoMe aRnD 11pm[in ameRicA]...tIREd..
27th--wAs ON tHe cAR dRivIn fRm LAs VeGaS baCk to lOsAngeLeS..totaL sIanESs..oNcE AgaIn..i sLePt thrOUgh ThE tRiP...mwhAhahahaz....SLPIN IS GD FOR HEALTH...LOl...
26th--wEnt to wATcH cHeApEr BY tHE dOzEn..niCE sHoW....thEn aFteR tht wEnT to The aRcAdE...tHen eNdEd thE dAe wATcHiN dAviD copPERfIeLD LivE..KewL hUh..LOL
25th--wEnT LuxOR..pLaYeD the WhOLe dAe DErE...aLmoz BuRNT the dDR maChIne...mwhahahaz...nUthin eLsE NicE to PlaE wAd...wAnTEd To PlAy dAyToNa...aLL thE maChIneS occupIeD...tHen thE bbaLL onE i PlAy a fEw TymS sIAn LIAoZ...NO Fun...yeAh..aFtEr Tht wE HaD JaP FoOd..keWl...thE rAmEn wAs gReAT...then hEaDeD baCk to thE HoTeL
yEah tht shuLd be aLL i did thE pAsT fEw DaeZ..iF i dIn fORgEt anIthIn...oNcE AgaIn...wIsH evErYoNE a haPpY 2004!!!!wOohOo=D....

2:31 PM